Flügger: Ecology is above all

Flügger: Ecology is above all 14713_1
Flügger: Ecology is above all 14713_2

The Danish company Flügger pays special attention to ecology and environmental protection. And this is not a marketing move, and the age-old traditions and lifestyle.

The conscious attitude of the Danes to the ecology

Denmark is a country with a rich history of agriculture and fisheries, so people living here have always been respectful to nature, feeling a special connection with it. Even industrialization has not changed the situation, on the contrary, many companies, including those involved in the construction, architecture and design, for example, Flügger, are constantly improving production processes, focusing on environmental safety.

Denmark is a leader country in the development of renewable energy sources and compliance with regulatory requirements supporting the sustainability of the environment. Within the framework of the UN program to achieve sustainable development by 2030, Denmark has developed a specific action plan for solving not only environmental sustainability, but also social. Copenhagen - the capital of Denmark - is rightfully considered one of the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient cities in the world. According to the carbon trail neutralization plan, by 2025, Copenhagen must become the world's first carbon-neutral capital.

Strategy Going Green

In the summer of 2020, Flügger launched the updated Going Green strategy, the purpose of which is to ensure constant progress and strengthen the stability of the company's production and business. By 2030, Flügger production will reduce the carbon trail to neutral, using up to 75% of the recycled plastic for packaging and producing 100% environmentally friendly paint with international and Scandinavian eco-marking. Already today, the majority of Flügger products have Ecolabel and Nordic Swan Ecolabel certificates. This means that the entire technological cycle is mining raw materials, production, operation and disposal - has a minimal impact on the environment. Flügger paints do not contain hazardous substances, so their production and further operation is absolutely safe.

Ecology paint

Flügger carefully refers to the selection of raw materials, therefore it works only with suppliers certified according to ISO9001 standards and tested raw materials. This gives a guarantee of the quality and durability of Flügger products and the stability of getting into color when coloring paint regardless of the party.

Currently, FLÜGGER colorants are undergoing Nordic SWAN Ecolabel certification, eco-marking criteria: minimal environmental impact during the entire production cycle, the use of secondary raw materials, the use of clean packaging materials.

Flügger paints also have a Russian fire safety certificate and a certificate confirming the possibility of using the products of the Danish company in children's and medical institutions.

Ecology packaging

Now all products of Flügger are packaged in plastic containers with 5PP marking, meaning that the material can be recycled. The company's goal is to search for new sustainable solutions and minimizing environmental impact. The next step on the way to this - the packaging is tested today, by 50% consisting of plastic processed plastic, which will reduce the consumption of the newly produced plastic by about 50,000 kg per year.

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