Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to?


Good afternoon, my reader. Under the optimal conditions, the cucumbers are capable of bringing harvest to the first frosts, but often cease to be froned in mid-August.

Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to? 14698_1
Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to? Nelie

Curtain harvest (photo used by standard license ©

Healthy foliage of the plant is a pledge of long fruiting, so it is important to eliminate various diseases of this wonderful culture. The cucumbers are quite whimping in cultivation: disease, incorrect care and other factors instantly affect the foliage of the plant - they quickly change the color, dry and fall. Basically, the cause of this is malievable dew. The present arises due to hot and arid growth conditions, and false - due to night frost and morning dew, which are not uncomfortable in mid-August.

How to determine that the cucumbers got sick with a torment? The appearance of greenish oil spots with a whitish flaw, an increase in them for up to 10 days, the subsequent yellowing and, finally, drying the leaves is the correct sign that the culture is sick with meal dew.

Why is this happening

  1. Increased humidity in the greenhouse.
  2. Inappropriate water temperature for watering or cold, frequent rains.
  3. Difference in temperature in day and night.

How to fight

First, it is necessary to stop feeding and watering the plants over the week. During this time, you need to remove all the diseased leaves. It is necessary to treat bushes or a solution of soda at the rate of 100 grams of soda per 10 liters of water, or a serum based on milk and copper sulphate. Dairy serum is preparing like this: on 7 liters of water you need to take 1 teaspoon of vitriol and 3 liters of milk.

Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to? 14698_2
Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to? Nelie

Cucumbers (Photo Used by Standard License ©

Secondly, at night, it is necessary to cover the beds in the open ground with a film, so heat will continue, and the cucumbers will not flaw. If cultivation occurs in a greenhouse, it is necessary to prevent accumulation of condensed water on the film, and for this you need to air the room, not allowing drafts.

Thirdly, in the event of a disease of a large number of landings, you need to tune in for a long and painstaking struggle. It will help in this spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate, fungicides or other means of strong impact. Processing must be carried out once a week.

How to extend fruiting

One protection against dew, of course, is not enough for long-term fruiting. Also need to make additional measures to care for cucumbers:

  • If pollinated varieties are grown, please plan the flowers blooming in August and at the beginning of autumn. Bees, flying to flowers, at the same time will pollinate cucumbers, thus increasing fruiting season.
  • Do not tighten with the leaving of the fruits, do not allow the appearance of seed cucumbers, since these fruits will additionally become the plenty.
  • Change the methods of watering plants in August: water them exclusively in the morning and only warm water.
  • Do not allow sharp temperature drops, if necessary, cover the plants for the night if they grow in the open soil.
  • In August, without having to do not touch the plants, do not cut off: the scurrants lying on the ground can form additional roots that cucumbers will feed.
  • It is necessary to carry out an extractive feeder, because in the period of frosting roots, the necessary nutrients from the soil are poorly absorbed.
  • Mulch the soil with peat or sawdust, it will save the roots with a cold at night, and in the afternoon protects from the heat.
  • Better fruiting vertical beds, because lighting, ventilation of plants are improved.

Take the side shoots in time, leaving only the main trunk.

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