Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara 14682_1

Any actors could easily become the president of the country. Even the performer who has played the main character with an indecent name.

Tata-Tata Tatatata-TA!

Of course, the people of my generation and older learned the introductory melody of the main series of the nineties. He began to show in Russia with two hundred seventeenth series, and no one noticed.

Children laughed over the name of his main character. All actors have selected American passports, and only one Robin Wright managed to escape into a large cinema in Forrest Gump. The name of the series has become a nominal.

"Santa Barbara". How much in this sound ...

I remember how we laughed at our comrade. We sat a noisy Vatagoy in the courtyard when he thoughtfully pronounced:

- Sisi ...

- Where? - everything came out.

- Sisi Capfell last series ...

If I remember correctly, you didn't talk to him for three days. Comrade saved only the fact that on that day we did not have our place of the town of Kickke Bucklyak. In his nineteen, he was considered the elderly on our standards. View of Buckly skilled trams.

The popularity of Santa Barbara in those years was mad. Any actors could easily become the president of the country. Even the performer who has played the main character with an indecent name.

In one of the summer nights, our gang led by Buckly, as always braided in the yard. From open windows, the melody has played familiar to the urokomin. Of all the windows, even from the attic.

"Look, see," someone whispered, "will begin now.

And, indeed, it began. Bodroy Lynx yard crossed the ninety-year old woman Mikhailovna. Alcoholic Malyshkin refused to a glass and disappeared in the entrance. Young mommy vigorously pushed the stroller. Moreover, a few meters forward of it on the curve legs fled to the baby. From the support point, the precinct. Delvito locked the door, looked back and scabbed away.

- And this one?

- They have a TV broken there in the reference point.

The cat rapidly jumped on the windowsill of the first floor. A flock of pigeons was planted onto the roof - to the open attic window.

- Where are you going? - Suddenly, in some desperation, a small Tolik was crushed.

We all turned around. Bucklyak managed to move away from us for a decent distance. Tolik called him already at the swing.

- Where are you going? - Synchronously wept all.

"I ... it ... there ... I have ... We have seen the first time that the Bucklyak stood. - I'm there, boys, it ... a motorcycle must be fixed!

He awkwardly said goodbye, it seems, making us a pioneer greeting, and quickly went, hardly having rushing.

We were overloaded. Everyone knew that Bucklya sold a motorcycle a week ago.

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