"Chikatilo": Thank you for not alive


At the video service Okko, the premiere of the series "Chikatilo" - an eight-grade hunting story for one of the most famous and bloodthirsty Soviet maniacs took place. The director of the project became Sarik Andreasyan, the artist of the capital role creators, as they could have kept secret to the project - now it is possible to officially state that this is Dmitry Nagiyev. The remaining actors led by Konstantin Lavronenko were hidden, but the real names of their characters changed to fictional - for ethical considerations, so that, for example, not to insult the feelings of still living victims and relatives who died from hand Chicatilo. We explain why this is the most reasonable of the solutions taken by the authors.

Sarik Andreasyan, as you know, - Cinematographer Wrong. His crushing reviews for Hollywood paintings, published on a personal page on Facebook, once turned almost into a separate literary genre. Nevertheless, swearing on what the light is worth foreign colleagues, the director does not forget to borrow, so that his projects of recent years, although varied by genres, but everything is as one - sets of clichés and stamps. "Chikatilo" is our answer to all the criminal detective thrillers and horrors, from a recent hit "The Hunter for Mind" David Fincher to numerous documentary series about the capture of murderers and horror meters about the maniacs. Already in the screensaver, made on all trendy canons, creaked the empty swings, the bubble-beaten by the life of the Pups is spinning, someone's hands stuffing text on a typewriter, sining the sinister forest, leaves the highway to anywhere, and in the final is a boy who is a boy who is like using Computer graphics in the frame trying on a chicatylovsk hat. It is clear - all the problems from childhood.

Sarik Andreasyan is also a very straightforward director who will in no case will allow the viewer to guess. "Chikatilo" - this is not another Russian "Twin Pix", no mysticism, causal relationships lie on the surface and are pronounced literally in the first scene. A man in a gray coat and a hat sits back to the viewer at the waiting room. Around anyone, except for him, two policemen observing him and girls, an unequivocally dropped on her knees in front of a man in a hat and almost immediately desorating with the indignant exclamation "Impotent!". The motive is already there, the bare facts remained in the series with a set from a visual point of view very monotonous scenes.

On the screen or local, Rostov, servants of the law enforcement, seeking to reveal the series of brutal murders, argue with Muscovite - the main investigator Kesayev (Lavronenko), or Kesaev argues with his subordinate - a young criminologist-psychologist with Muski Vistitsky (Dmitry Voskin), or all Together they interrogate the suspects - as you know, the murders of Chikatilo more than once "hung" on innocent, and often on the initiative of the innocent. Occasionally, citizens and urban locations appear. All the rest of the time was given to the main hero, Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo, lubricating children and women in secluded places for the commission of the brutal violence. Show in the first series and one of the murders. But this scene will cause a horror rather, but laughter. A shocking maniac, a corn field, a corn field, as a crime scene and a spray on the cobs will remind you of low-robber horror consists of category "B".

No less, the killer himself looks like a killer himself in the execution of Dmitry Nagiyev - no serial logic gives the fact that in such a way it is possible to somehow remain unnoticed and practically not to cause suspicions from the locals with whom he willingly interacts. All people are like people, and he is Dmitry Nagiyev in a monstrous make-up and wig. The actor - the owner of a unique artistic charisma, capable of pulling any stage and cinematographic action with it, simply close the viewer's attention on himself, - Sarik Andreasyan turns into a parody, in the character of the sketch show "Ostive, Modern!". Whether a bearded from the "Unpassed", the bayanist from "Goodba, America!", Chikatilo from Chikatilo. Finding, obviously, his actor Talisman, Sarik Andreasyan does not help him to show new verge of dramatic talent, and turns into a muddy. Even the main intrigue - the face of Chikatilo does not show the audience to the final of the first series - performed in the spirit of intrigue around the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". There, he did not manage to hide the plastic grima for tons of plastic grima, right there Nagiyev instantly gives the voice - they would have left him in the first series silent, it would be really mysterious, and so the secret of Polyinistrel.

Is it worth shooting movies about the maniacs - a controversial question. Many authors of documentary investigations, for example, answer it very convincingly, inventing projects that leave the viewer not so much antiger in the view, how many of his victims are what is called, they return the names and give them to speak. They are heroes, worthy of memory, but remember the unfair most often the villains, whose names are becoming nominal, legendary, mythological. In the new series, under his name, only the villain, the rest - and caught his investigators, and his victims, and people who were innocently accused of his crimes are essentially invented characters. In history, both it will remain, antigero. This is the Russian tradition - do not remember the victims. And from this point of view, well, and in general, given the quality of the series - probably, it is really more ethical to not call real names.

See the TV series "Chikatilo" on the OKKO video service from March 18.

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