? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana


Maslenitsa will begin next week, so it's time to stock up the casual recipes of pancakes. We have collected several proven, so we recommend that you also save them.

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana 14668_1

Photo: pexels.

Pancakes stuffed with salmon


Milk - 600 ml

Water - 300 ml

Egg - 3 pcs

Flour - 450 g

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1/2 h. L.

Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Salmon is weakly salted - 150 g

Sour cream - 200 g

Dill, lemon juice - to taste

How to cook?

• Beat the egg mixer, adding sugar, salt and milk. Pour boiling water without stopping to beat the dough, and then pour the sifted flour. Add the oil and sweat again.

• Cover the dough with a towel and leave half an hour. Before hot, mix it again and fire pancakes on a frying pan with a lubricated oil.

• Cut the fish, sprinkle with lemon juice. Connect it with sour cream and shredded dill, and then mix to a homogeneous state. Serve stuffing to pancakes.

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana 14668_2

Photo: Delicious baking at home

Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese


Milk - 1 liter

Chicken Eggs - 2 pcs

Flour - 500 g

Vegetable oil - 100 ml

Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1 tsp.

Hot water - 100 ml

Cottage cheese - 400 g

Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Egg - 1 pc

Vanillin - 1 g

Salt - chipotch

Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

• Wear an egg with salt and sugar, and then pour milk. Add vegetable oil and mix. Gradually, sprinkle flour until the dough is thick.

• Add hot boiled water, constantly stir. It is necessary to understand that it is well whipped by small bubbles.

• Heat the frying pan well, lubricate it with vegetable oil. Forex on her pancakes.

• Mix cottage cheese with sugar, salt, vanilla and egg. Add sour cream and mix again. Add a raisin in cottage cheese. Put the filling in pancakes and roll them with a converter.

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana 14668_3

Photo: Deli.

Pancakes with banana


Flour - 160 g

Salt - on the tip of the knife

Eggs - 4 pcs

Milk - 300 ml

Bananas - 2 pcs

Vegetable oil - to taste

How to cook?

• Flour ask for a salt into a large bowl. Eggs with a fork and add to flour. Pour milk and take the mixer.

• Bananas, put them in the combine bowl with the test and take it all together.

• Cover the dough with the food film, remove it into the refrigerator and wait 1 hour. Then get it and take it again.

• Lubricate the oil in the pan, and then heat it. Forex pancakes and serve them with hot. They can be decorated with chocolate sauce.

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana 14668_4

Photo: Food.ru.

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