What is called NFT-tokens and when can you use?


Hello, dear readers of the website uspei.com. Throughout the last month, non-violent tokens were constantly spoken due to their use in the field of art. Let's talk that they imagine, and also - what is the future



What is called NFT-tokens and when can you use? 14618_1
What is NFT?

Each entry in the blockchain is called token. But if an open-type blockchain, any token is equal to others. Each of them can be replaced. That is, one token can be exchanged for a different token - and no changes will occur. But the work of Non Fungible Token (NFT) technology looks completely different. Each such a token is universal, it is impossible to create a copy - thus the replacement is not possible. A similar algorithm is optimal for fixing personal rights to some universal object - for example, to real estate, subject in a computer game and so on.

The technology under consideration was developed back in 2017 - the base was made by Ethereum smart contracts. According to the Nonfungible research portal, for the entire period of existence, NFT has been implemented 5.35 million tokens.

Where do NFT use?

Last month, the tokens considered by us were constantly used in the field of art. Suppose, DJ 3Lau is the first musician who had forged his album and implemented it limited edition. The overall revenue was $ 11.6 million. Exactly the same act - the singer of Grahims, the mother of the kid Ilona Mask. It implemented 400 NFT-tokenes, which were tied to four images created by her personally and her brother. And less than half an hour earned a record $ 5.8 million. Agree, not bad.

Also, non-violent tokens are used in the gaming industry to fix possession of virtual assets, when registering domain names, as well as in real estate.

How can I run NFT?

Those artists who want to have toochenize their activities can use the services of Rarible or OpenSEA platforms. They can also acquire the first token associated with the work of another person. An interesting point: OpenSea creates an NFT-token only when its buyer is detected. Thus, the author does not need to pay more and commission in the Ethereum network. Rarible also creates an NFT-token immediately - as soon as the work is loaded. The Commission is paid by the author.

What future awaits non-violent tokens?

NFT is capable of a revolution in the copyright monitoring industry - according to CEO Xena Financial Systems, Anton Kravchenko. It does not doubt that through the tokens, the radio station freely will receive the rights to reproduce audio stakes, and the streaming services will be able to show movies and television series.

"Nowadays, the market of rights to shows and broadcast is not the most effective - there are some" friction ", costs when distributing rights, and it is almost unrealistic to resell. For changes and you should use NFT, although the process can take about ten years, "said Kravchenko.

In 2021, the new trend will make a colossal breakthrough - judging by the repair of the Binance Platform Director in Russia and the CIS, Gleb Kostareva. They were also added that this year the indicator of the market capitalization of tokens is capable of growing 3-4 times compared with the 2020th year.

Source: https://www.rbc.ru/crypto/news/6040cd429a7947281adb5a94.

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