From Childfrey to adoption: 4 Maternity stories actresses of the series "Sex in the Big City"

From Childfrey to adoption: 4 Maternity stories actresses of the series

The last month in social networks is violently discussed by the continuation of the cult series "Sex in the Big City" - it was recently announced on HBO.

And although, at first glance, the series about the glamorous adventures of four women in New York has little attitude to parent, there is there, to which we have already written about what we managed to learn about the motherhood from "Sex in the Big City".

As for the relationship of the actresses themselves with parent, they also turned out to be completely different - each in its own way is unique (although some of them are surprisingly rhymes with the plot of the series).

Sarah Jessica Parker

In "Sex in the Big City" Sarah Jessica Parker plays the role of Carrie - a woman who, at first, even the thought of marriage causes a panic attack, which is here to talk about children. In reality, the actress itself is a large mother. The eldest son James was born in 2002, and Maryon and Tobita twins - in 2009.

The pregnancy of the son coincided just with the shooting of the fifth season "Sex in the Big City" - that is why he went to hire later than usual, and there was less series in it than was originally thought.

It is noteworthy that in the fifth season in the frame is not alone, but as many as two pregnant actresses - for the same period, the pregnancy of Cityy Nixon, who performed the role of Miranda. Miranda's pregnancy was able to enter the plot of the series, but the Carri pregnancy had to be masked with special angles and, of course, clothes and accessories.

James was born when Parker was 37 years old, and a little later, when the actress and her husband Matthew Broderick decided to increase their family, they were encountered with medical problems and infertility. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, the couple decided to resort to the help of a surrogate mother.

"I had the opportunity to give birth only once. I would give birth so often, as I could, if I could, "Sarah Jessica Parker Site, dedicated to the problems of fertility, Infertility Aide.

The surrogate mother of the pair, Michel Ross, carried out and in 2009 she gave birth to twins Merion and Tabitu. The pregnancy of Ross was accompanied by scandals and drama: a woman was chased by paparazzi and reporters, hackers hacked her phone and computer, and the terrible climax of all this was having breaking her apartment. Former policeman penetrated Michel's apartment to take a picture of her medical documents and snapshots of the ultrasound, which he then planned to sell to journalists.

This period was extremely difficult, both for a surrogate mother and for the Sarah Jessica Parker, who worried about its safety and health: "I can't sleep at night. I am very sad to think about that it is so far away, and I can not do anything for her, except that I am allowed by law. "

Fortunately, it all ended successfully for all participants in the process, and girls Maryon and Tabita appeared on the world. As Parker's Surrogate Maternity said in 2010, "this is completely different, and at the same time the same amazing experience."

In 2020, the son of Sarah Jessica Parker was 18 years old, and therefore the star published a touching congratulation in his instagram addressed to him. In an interview with ET eT, she admitted that the concepts had no idea how he could let her son go to College: "I don't know, I can't imagine how it is to say goodbye to the child, hoping that you gave him everything you need - Here and here, "she said, pointing to his head and heart.

To learn more about the parent glands of Sarah Jessica Parker, read her quotes (about Viniche, there is also there), and we go to another actress from "Sex in the Big City".

Cynthia Nixon

Sarah's colleague Jessica Parker on the series, actress Cynthia Nixon, also took part in the filming, being pregnant, and at the moment she also has three children: Samuel and Charles appeared during the first relationship with Denny Moses, and Max was born when the actress was already In marriage with Christian Marini, recently he turned nine years old.

In 2018, Senior Child Nixon made a fireplace out as a transgender man and changed the name of Samantha at Samuel (or the CEP). Cynthia openly spoke about it with the press and repeatedly noted how much she proud of her son. Read more about her family and other star families with transgender children can be read here.

Senior children Nixon rarely appear in her social networks, but the younger son of Max can often meet in Instagram actresses, activists and political actors.

Maternity is the only thing in my life I always wanted to engage

Cynthia Nixon

Christine Davis

Like her heroine, Charlotte, at the actress Christine Davis two children - and both receptions. Older daughter, Jemma Rose, Christine adolescertained in 2011.

Funny: Many believe that the actress called her daughter in honor of his screen daughter (one of the daughters Charlotte is also called Rose), but she herself admitted that this is just a coincidence. "Since I did everything secret, and did not discuss anyone with any adoption, nor the name of the child, I did not see any connection," she said in an interview with 2012. "And then, when we announced a focal, all such:" Oh, she called her daughter in honor of the child from "Sex in the Big City". " But I did not even realize this - at all. "

In 2019, the actress adopted the second child - the boy named Wilson. Christine herself also grew up in the receiving family, and it pushed her to become the most reception mom: "It always seemed to me that somewhere there is my child whom I need to find. I can not explain it. This is something spiritual ... Admission parent is a long way. This is a difficult path, "she said once.

Davis has repeatedly noted that the fact that her children are African-Americans, forced her differently to look at the privileges of white people and overestimate them.

"You cannot fully understand the" white privileges "because you live with them, and for you this is a theoretical idea. But one thing is to look when it happens with other people, and completely different things - when this happens with your child. And you yourself have not come across it. This is a big problem. This is what I think during the day and night, "said Christine during an interview with Actress Jade Pinkett-Smith.

Kim Catherol

The actress, who performed the role of Samantha (by the way, in the continuation of the series, her, alas, will not be preceded by the scandals on the set), also partly repeated the fate of his heroine. Kim Catherol is the only one of the stellar four, who has no children. Kim herself repeatedly said that the decision not to have children was conscious to her - she accepted him just during the filming of "Sex in the Big City".

In 1998, Katroll (then she was 41) married the musician Mark Levinson, and the couple was thinking about Eco, but then they decided to abandon this idea. "We had to have sex at a certain time with a partner ... I absolutely could not do it, staying in a healthy emotional and physical condition, and at the same time working for 19 hours a day," she said in Women's Prize for Fiction. - And I was 41 years old. And I thought that I should decide in the name of my well-being. And I love to work, my work has become a ticket for me to my independence, my freedom and my education. "

Catherol also mentioned that at that time the actresses of her age were more difficult to get a role in movies - their places occupied younger stars, and therefore any break (for example, at the birth of a child) could be destructive for her career. And so Catherol has decided to leave the idea of ​​childbearing in order to continue to work and not risking his health.

"And I thought: I'm not sure that I cared, I'm just not sure. I can pass through everything that Dr. will tell us. And we can do everything from and to, but there is a chance that I still can't make a child, and it will be terrible, "she said.

Marriage Kim Catroll and Mark Levinson broke up in 2004 - according to the actress itself, this happened because Kim had never been at home - she always disappeared on the set and spent little time with his spouse. Now Catherol has been in relationships with BBC employee by Russell Thomas.

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