Samsung will soon release new smart watches with a steep function


No need to be a prophet to say that Samsung will sooner or later release a new generation of his smart watches. This is an ordinary practice and all companies try to stick to a specific update cycle. Sometimes, however, there are some deviations, and this year we are waiting for one of them. An additional proof of this was not even the fact that the South Korean company shifted the date of the presentation of its flagship smartphones of the Galaxy S series, and the data of the authoritative insider. His words give us to understand that it is not long to wait for a long time and hurry to buy smart watches Samsung now is not worth it. Let's figure out how much it remains to wait and what will be in the new hours of Samsung.

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New SAMSUNG watches always cause a lot of interest.

When new samsung watches come out

Naturally, the closer to the presentation, the more information gradually seeps into the network. Moreover, this year she really should take place very early.

If Ice Universe's technological insider, whose track record deserves respect, the Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Watch Active 4 models will be announced within a few coming months.

Apparently, the company will not wait for the traditional August presentation of flagship smartphones. According to Ice Universe, the South Korean manufacturer will present new smart hours already in the second quarter of 2021. That is from April to June.

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We are waiting for the watches in the second quarter.

Which OS will work smart watch Samsung

The main question relating to the Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Watch Active 4 is whether they will remain on the Tizen software platform or go to Wear OS (formerly Android Wear). On the Internet there were messages that Samsung prepares smart watches that will use Android instead of TIZEN. There are even information about what code names watches received inside the company - "Wise" and "Fresh"

These names are translated as "wise" and "fresh", respectively. What they hint is difficult to say, but, most likely, it's just without binding names. For technological companies is the usual practice to distribute them to their products.

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Perhaps other clock models will be presented in addition to the Galaxy Watch line, but in the model range of the company and so quite a lot of the same type products to further increase their number.

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Expand the model range of SAMSUNG watches is not worth it, but it is necessary to improve them.

Clock to determine the level of sugar

Waiting for something principal from the new hours is hardly worth it, except for only one important detail. There is a possibility that the new generation of Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch Active 4 will be able to determine the blood glucose level. This feature is worthy of waiting for their output. Even those who have no problems with this indicator, still will not be superfluous.

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Do you buy a lot of smart hours

Analysts Counterpoint Research summed up the last quarter of 2020 in the smart watches market. Since this is the last quarter of the year, the report includes data for the year as a whole.

According to this data, in the fourth quarter of 2020, the smart clock market decreased slightly yearly. Analysts associate it with a new Pandemic wave, which has incorporated on sales. In general, for the year, the market has grown only 1.5%, despite records of growth in the year, when for the same reason, sales grew.

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Sales in interest

Not all manufacturers in the same extent experienced the impact of negative factors. So, for example, Apple is the market leader - increased supplies from 28.4 million units in 2019 to 33.9 million units in 2020, that is, by 19%. As of the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, Apple owned 40% of the market. A year earlier, Apple's share was 34%.

In second place, after the quarter, Samsung is located with an indicator of 10%. In the fourth quarter of 2019, the proportion of the South Korean giant was 9%. For the entire 2020, Samsung has shipped 9.1 million devices. It is about 1% less than in 2019. At the end of the year, Samsung ranks third.

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Sales in pieces

As for another serious player - Huawei - then her share in the fourth quarter of 2020 amounted to 8%, for the same period of 2019 - 9%. In 2020, the company shipped 11.1 million devices, which is 26% more than in 2019, when 8.7 million devices were shipped. At the end of the year, Huawei ranked second.

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The top five leaders are both for the quarter and for the year - also include BBK and FitBit. However, they have nothing to boast: the first shipped 6.6 million smart hours for the year, which is 9% less than in 2019 in annual terms, and the second is 5.9 million, which is 4% less. FitBit takes 7% of the market, and BBK is 6%.

How much should the smart watch cost

Finally, here is interesting statistics on how many hours in each price category were sold in the result of the last year. Make conclusions yourself.

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The ratio of the value of the sold smart clock.

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