Sergei Neighbors told how Alla Pugacheva "cleaned" competitors


Sergei Neighbors told how Alla Pugacheva
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Sergey Nezenov revealed unknown persons for more than the details of the bustling of Russian show business. According to the musical critic, Alla Pugacheva reached fame, "removing" his competitors.

Music expert Sergei Neighborhood not only participates in various talent shows as a jury member. Often, journalists take an interview with Criticism, learning his point of view of certain events of the life of the domestic show business. Its comments are often quite rigid, because in the world of music the expert has been known for many years and knows the "margin" development of the musical industry since the times of the Soviet Union.

The object of his critical statements has recently become Alla Pugacheva. A journalist repeatedly accused a journalist repeatedly not only in poor taste, but also in the absence of talent. Despite the fact that earlier Sergey neighbor devoted to the singer mass of the laudatory feedback, now he denies her merit. According to the musical criticism, the success of Pugacheva is explained by non-outstanding vocal data, and the ability to pianify well. As for competitors, their main star of Soviet and Russian music simply "cleaned up".

Neighborhood does not deny that the Priaudonna itself could not physically "cut" other artists from televisers. But, using authority and connections, contributed to this. The musical expert with huge knowledge in the creative life of the country of different years is confident that Alla Pugacheva could easily ask for such a favor of their numerous acquaintances in the leadership of radio and television. After its intervention, many talented artists simply cleaned out of broadcasts. These artists could make a serious competition of Primateonna, because she tried any way to get rid of them.

Meanwhile, in the comments to the transfer of "rumors" of neighbors admitted that Pugachev herself was repeatedly carved from the sheose esters in which he participated. In Soviet times, the work of the performer had to do not like the chapter by the head of Gostoreradio Sergey Lapina. The official considered the popular singer of the unworthy main scene of the country, and its popularity seemed to him Plebee. And only the love of the people forced me to leave the Pugacheva numbers in Blue lights. Now the Russian show business is refilled by peculiar "clans", promoting their own protege. The once almighty Primadonna moved away from the struggle for a place on the stage, enjoying a quiet life in the society of young husband and children.

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