How to grow tomatoes without dive


Good afternoon, my reader. Piking is a difficult process, during which you can harm the seedlings of tomatoes, in addition, it takes a lot of time. These facts force some gardeners to abandon the dive, but is such a solution to erroneous? Below we will look at how you can grow tomatoes without a dive and does not harm such a solution to plants.

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How to grow tomatoes without peak

Tomato seedlings (photo used by standard license ©

This process involves the transplant of young seedlings from a total capacity of the pot, intended for separate cultivation of tomatoes. This increases the area of ​​their development and nutrition. Unmistakable picking - the key to strengthening seedlings.

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How to grow tomatoes without peak

Tomato seedlings without dive (photo used by standard license ©

In order to prevent errors when picking, you need to keep in mind the set of nuances of this process. It is important to spend it on time so that the seedlings are not rearranged and do not stretch, do not harm the rapid root system and stems. This is exactly what novice gardeners are afraid, in addition, the transplant is always stress for plants, which can provoke diseases.

Increasingly, gardeners refuse to conduct a dive for the reasons described above. Experimed by it is clear that the fruits grown without transfers are no different from the peaked tomatoes, it means that the waste of time and strength is not useless. However, after the room in an open seedlings, grown without a dive, needs a little different from the usual care.

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How to grow tomatoes without peak

Tomato seedling landing (Photo Used by standard license ©

The advantages of seedlings not transplanted into separate containers:

  • Saving time in which other plants can be engaged;
  • There is no risk to damage the shoots and the root system of seedlings;
  • lack of stress from transplanting, as a result, faster adaptation in the open soil;
  • The main rod root will develop more active, tomatoes will not need such a frequent watering, as usual;
  • An adult bush will be more adapted to adverse conditions, since its parts will not be damaged by transplantation.

If you chose this method of growing seedlings, seeding will not differ from the usual. Given the timing of the ripening of the variety, the seeds are placed in cooked containers. Before that, it is recommended to hold the planting material in a solution of manganese, and the soil is sterilized.

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How to grow tomatoes without peak

Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License ©

Seed landing is different from the usual: planting material is placed in individual capacity, for this, conventional plastic cups are suitable for this. The soil is filled with a third of the tanks, it is abundantly watered and 1-3 seeds are placed in case if not all will come. After shooting, you need to choose the strongest sprout, and the rest carefully cut off.

If you plan to plant too many seedlings and do not want to cook for each seedling a separate container, you can land them into a common box. It is important to fill it with soil only by one third and abide by the distance of 5-8 cm between seedlings. Also, that the roots of the seedlings are not intertwined, after shooting the sprouts, it is important to burn them from each other with cardboard stripes.

It turns out that when caring for tomatoes you can skip the pickup. The cultivation of non-transplantation to individual containers has a number of advantages, and each gardener can try to resort to such a way.

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