Kirov Mauli was accused of illegally incorporating land plots in a comprehensive development program


The "Union of Builders of the Kirov Region" accused the Kirov administration in the unauthorized inclusion of land plots of Kirov developers in the program of integrated development. As noted in the Board of the Union, due to the free interpretation of the city-planning code of the company, previously bought areas, risk obtaining a refusal to issue a permit for construction due to inconsistencies in the project planning of Gradplan.

According to the chairman of the Association of Vladimir Smirnov, without a town-planning plan, developers will not be able to proceed to design:

- Because of this, construction plans will be both plans for the construction of income, a shortage of working capital, reducing jobs and an increase in the cost of housing already available in the market. Do not forget that the construction industry is a system-forming. And the crisis in this industry in the chain will be pulled by other areas, which will lead to a decrease in tax deductions, "says Vladimir Smirnov.

Kirov Mauli was accused of illegally incorporating land plots in a comprehensive development program 14577_1
Kirov Mauli was accused of illegally incorporating land plots in a comprehensive development program

The "Union of the Builders" sent complaints of developers to the Action of the Most Statement. As a result, the prosecutor's check confirmed the illegality of the inclusion of sites. In this regard, the head of the city administration aims to address the elimination of violations.

In the "Union of Builders of the Kirov region" emphasize that the developers do not mind to take on social obligations, they just need to talk about them in advance and do this within the law.

- But when the developer bought the plot for his own funds, she considered future construction costs and is already preparing for the design - at this stage, insert him sticks in the wheels, forcing the changes to the planning projects, as it happens now, according to developers, illegally, reported In the organisation.

In the "Union of Builders" added that the adoption of obligations to build social facilities should be economically justified for him and should not affect the cost of erected housing. In case of higher prices, the costs will fall on the shoulders of buyers.


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