How to become a good friend


Friends are significant people in our lives. Some of them will enter our life for a while, and then disappear, and someone will remain contrary to all adversity. And to be a good friend to my friend, it means that we respect the communication and the connection that you managed to install.

How to become a good friend for a friend

Find time for a friend

The main culprit of the loss of friendship is neglect. Large employment, family affairs take a lot of time. We scare from Comrade, forgetting that he may have problems, and he needs support at this time. Let me realize to a friend that you are near and come to the aid at the right moment. For a friend, this will mean that you are not all the same, and the friendship is alive not only in a serene and fun time.

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Image of Susann Mielke listen and hear your friend

Someone always loves to talk more, and someone less. But to interrupt a friend, do not hear his words and emotions - it is very rude. Slide from your own happiness when he has a rude problem. Perhaps a friend will feel embarrassed and will not say anything, but he will be annoying. Being a good listener is important for friendship.

No need to condemn

There are cases when we can not agree with the actions of your friend. But if he tells you something, it is waiting for support, and not a censure. Otherwise, a friend will begin to lose confidence in you, look, wanting to get away from condemnation.

It happens that a friend comes silly and unconsciously. A friend does not need to condemn, but also to encourage stupid and unworthy deeds. Be serious, listen, explain your mind on the situation.

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Image of Susann Mielke.

To see the shortcomings and try to send a friend to the right way - this is a good sign of friendship. If you are close and wish to a friend of good, you can speak, without turning away from him and without condemning. After all, we do not turn away from close people at the moments when they are wrong, and try to help them.

Say of joy

Without a doubt, the real friend is always happy to successes and happiness. There is no place for envy. But that your friend knew exactly what you are pleased, tell me about joy also with words.

Be in touch

Friendship can be measured by distances. Being for thousands of miles and be in touch, nice, because you understand that somewhere there is a close person to whom you are very expensive. To be best friends, it is not necessary to see every week. It is enough to maintain communication, know the news and feelings of a friend.

Friendship needs to be given time
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Constantly refuse to meet only due to the fact that you are reluctant, may be offensive for a friend. He wants communication, physical presence. Of course, there are circumstances that may interfere with you. And even a bad mood and a desire to stay at home can also be a correct reason. A real friend will understand you. But this should not be a stable reason for failures, otherwise a friend can be confused and not understand why you avoid meeting him.

Friendship is not only a good pastime. More friendship is to make efforts, solve common difficulties, support in difficult periods. And at the same time two people should participate with an equal desire to be a sincere and close friend for their friend.

We will leave the article here → Amelia.

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