About love, hugs and happy life we ​​deserve

About love, hugs and happy life we ​​deserve 14531_1

The holiday is an occasion once again look around ...

February is almost spring. And no snowfall will be able to dissuade us in this. The sun appears increasingly, I want to believe in good. Even in February 14th. Even if it is a foreign holiday (and for someone is not a holiday at all). Even if we love every day, and more than once a year.

Just wanting joyful and lung. And to smaller routine. To in the family peace and happiness. To make your favorite to make you a surprise. And you surprise him, and even better. For children to draw hearts and low-spirits. So that no one shout and cried.

More seriously, for all this it really does not need a special day or a special holiday. An ordinary happy life, which deserves each of us, looks like this.

But the holiday is a reason for once again look around around, think about whether our reality corresponds to dreams or you need to do something urgently. Maybe it's time to talk with a partner about problems, revive feelings, go to a psychologist. Or maybe urgently build relationships with children, return lost confidence and mutual understanding. Or just find time to exhale, brew a cup of beloved tea and think.

And we, as usual, prepared you themes for reflection. And useful advice from specialists and experienced parents.

Help yourself

It so happened that this week we talked about ... eating. If you are not a monk and not ascetic, then the food takes a lot of space in your life. And if you are also a parent, then the food takes a lot of space in your life: how to crumple, than feed how to reconcile and so on.

But before talking about children and food, let's talk about parents and food. As in other cases, the fewer problems with our children themselves. If we are suffering from food behavior disorders, it is very difficult to raise healthy attitude to the question. So, as in the plane, first put the mask on yourself. The psychologist Adriana Lito told how to understand that you have a problem with food and how to start it to decide.

And in order to relieve the tension (after all, this topic is often accompanied by unpleasant emotions - shame, wine, insult), read the cheerful text of Lyudmila Yagubyanz Polina and food - about a little girl, a dog bone and a very philosophical attitude towards baby food.

Help children

How can we help your children? First, for this we ourselves need to be adults. And secondly, it would not hurt to give them the right to be children - to make mistakes, learn mistakes, to know the world and try new. Do not hide them from real life, not to close in the castle, not sterilize the surrounding reality. The text how to grow a generation of idiots - how hypource affects the younger generation. And how can it be avoided.

From the hyperteks (which is most often associated with the mother) go to slippery topic - the role of the father in the life of the child. The psychotherapist Adrian Lito wrote the text in which explains why the child needs a dad, what is the difference between the male and women's approach to raising children. What can give a child a man (and can't - a woman). This text caused a stormy discussion, questions arose "What is a male view of the world and what is his difference from female." As usual, I do not apply for the ownership of the truth, only we suggest you to reflect with us.

Next to help children come teachers. Mathematics teacher Kira Berlinova wrote about how to understand that the child was overwhelmed by preparing for exams. How to organize their studies to avoid burnout and save motivation: pass exams and remain alive.

How and why hug grandma

We were very interested to communicate with you this week, exchange opinions and argue. After all, the only correct opinion when it comes to feelings and values ​​is a non-existent concept. Listening to others and recognizing new, you get a chance to make a step forward, change. And the movement is life.

And also life is love. Caring for loved ones. For example, about grandparents who often lack elementary hugs. How to hug a grandmother and why to do it wrote Adrian Lito. This is not a ridiculous question, often in fuss we forget about such important trifles.

We wish you a good day, full heat and care. Hugging more often, celebrate the day of lovers or just love each other. Take care of yourself and children.

Always yours

"Our children"

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