7 Film, which, under the Sauce, the truth show the audience false love


In the history of film and television, full of iconic pairs: Holly and Paul in "Tiffany" breakfast, Rose and Jack in Titanic, Rachel and Ross from "Friends". Nevertheless, some of the most famous and favorite screen duets are a sample of unhealthy, toxic relations. Some concern justify aggressive behavior, others do not know how to calmly and in an adult to solve the disputes and talk about problems, and someone does not break by manipulations at all.

We in adme.ru conducted a small study and figured out how in romantic films and cult TV shows justify and exalted what is not suitable for the definition of real love.

Noah and Ellie, "Diary of Memory"

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© The Notebook / New Line Cinema

Noah Calhaun is a beautiful, but toxic manipulator who psychologically presses on a girlfriend and does not know the words "no". He instantly falls in love with Ellie and calls her on a date, despite the fact that nothing knows about her (even name). When Ellie refuses, Noah threatens to jump from the ferris wheel and thus seeks the consent of the girl. Yes, love sometimes pushes people to illogical actions, but what does Noah is a violation of personal borders and emotional abuse. Imagine that you walk with friends, how suddenly the stranger suits you and is insistently calling on a date, ignoring your failures. You hardly like to be in such a situation. Normally wrote one user Quora: "When girls care characters like novel, it sends the guys wrong with the wrong signal." Ellie also do not call a role model. She often pushes Noah during numerous quarrels. And it does not matter that the heroine of Makadams is a fragile girl. No one has the right to apply physical strength to others, and such behavior is a big hint that the pair will not check the time. In real life, from such unrestrained people should be staying away.

Ross and Rachel, "Friends"

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© Friends / Warner Bros. Television

Despite the fact that Ross Geller and Rachel Green seemed a cute pair, they had too many problems. Every time Ross started to meet with someone, Rachel intervened in their relationship. For example, in the 2nd season she left Geller an unequivocal voice message, because of which he threw Julie. And in the 3rd season, Miss Green shall won a new girlfriend of Ross. Ross is also not a gift. He was constantly jealous Rachel and did not trust her, although she never gave rise to doubt her loyalty. It is because of this irrational feeling of the heroine, Jennifer Aniston decided to take a break in a relationship, which eventually led to a serious quarrel and rupture. In addition, Ross put his feelings and interests above the desire for Rachel. This was especially brightly manifested in the episode when she was offered to work in Paris. Instead of adult to discuss this step, Ross behind Rachel is trying to find her job in New York. This is a sign of television.

Phoebe and Cole, "Enchanted"

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© Charmed / CBS

Despite the fact that Phoebe Holliell and Cole Turner look great together, their relationship can hardly be called harmonious. As one of the commentators notes on Reddit, to the 5th season Cole turns into an obsessive pursuer. In addition to Stoking, the main drawback of Cowla is that he is obsessed with his beloved and does not take into account her desires. Recall at least an episode when he sends Phoebe enchanted candy, so that she became pregnant against his will. Also Cole does everything possible to isolate Phoebe from the family: he takes her to Penthouse and forbids communicating with his sisters. Turner assures a girl that he would never cause her evil and such actions go to her only for good. And when the partner masks his desire to control the soul mate and gives it for care, there is a manipulative relationship.

Chuck and Blair, "Gossip"

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© Gossip Girl / Warner Bros. Television

The story of Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf is a good example of manipulation with emotional swings. Chuck for almost all seasons, then climbed, then removed Blair, knocking the ground from her from under his feet. Recall at least an episode when Bass throws Waldorf right in front of a joint travel, because he understands that he is not ready for a serious relationship. When Blair begins to meet with another, Chuck does everything to return his former girl. In addition, Chuck refers to her beloved as to property. And Blair as a classic victim forgives him. In real life, such a pair would have needed serious therapy.

Joanna and Dean, "Overboard"

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© Overboard / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

It is no secret that the strongest and healthy relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. But the creators of the romantic comedy "overboard" inspires the audience the opposite thought. A dein carpenter, using Amnesia, arrogant and rich Joanna, makes a slave from her named Annie. The Kurt Russell Hero convinces Joanna that she is his wife and mother of four children, and this is a gaslating of pure water. And the fact that Joanna falls in love with his kidnapper, says that she suffers from Stockholm syndrome.

Hitcliffe and Catherine, "Thunderstorm Pass"

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© Wuthering Heights / Mammoth Screen

One of the most romantic quotes from the "Thunderstorm Pass" sounds like this: "Of Whatever our souls are created, his soul and mine - one." But such words are a sign of not great love and affection, but to advances. Hitcliffe and Catherine want to be each other, merge together. The main character does not even stop the fact that his beloved long ago is not alive: he is literally ready to go into the ground, just to be closer to adorable Catherine.

Bell and monster, "Beauty and the Beast"

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© Beauty and The BEAST / Walt Disney Pictures

We lower the obvious theme of the abduction and look at what unhealthy promise is trying to convey to the audience this couple. We see that outside the monster is a terrible monster with a hot-tempered character. But as the plot develops, we show another side. It can be soft, sensitive and caring, and by the end of the film generally turns into an excellent prince. Such a plot twist justifies emotional abuse. It is easy to present a couple in which one seriously suffers from the outbreaks of the partner's wrath, but it all forgives him, because it believes that he is good inside. Not very similar to the fairy plot with a happy ending, agree? Unfortunately, in real life, good prince does not always hide behind hostility and aggression, so this behavior cannot be tolerated.

And in what popular stories about love you noticed signs of psychological pressure?

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