Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ...

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_1

Interview in Peter Folouna: that actually happened to Freddie Mercury in Munich ...

Freddie Mercury, the legendary vocalist of at least the legendary Queen group, lived for some time in Munich: As you know, it was there that one of the best days in his life passed ... there he recorded his album Mr. Bad Guy. In the same place, he celebrated his 39th birthday, setting up a cult party, lively stories about which they do not subside for this day! As Freddie told - "It was the very place where he could relax in the circle of friends, play table tennis, enjoy the German holidays and life in general ..." We can say that it is in this city the artist found a new inspiration! But why did he move there at all? And what happened to him in this period really? About this tells Peter Foloune, then Assistant Mercury ...

Causes of moving ...

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_2
Freddie Mercury

The first trip Mercury in Munich took place along with Queen, at sunset of the 70s ... Later, the artist will return there to linger in this amazing city for several years ... to the question "Why Freddie went to Munich" Peter Foloune, known as Phoebe, answered :

How was the adaptation?

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_3
Freddie Mercury…

Freddie was one of those people who in the moment become "their" where they were not! Once in Germany, he quickly adapted to the friendly, social defendance of Munich. During the time spent there, the artist was very loved by a walking on Munich carnival in fascine, as well as several beer bars, where he often walked with his musical engineer Reinehard Poppy! According to the stories of the freon, his parties could start on Thursday evening and end only by the morning of next Tuesday ... This is really a rock and roll lifestyle!

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_4
Peter Foloune

The most interesting thing is that at least Mercury and lived in Germany for several years, he never learned German! According to Fristown, the artist knew only a few of the most common greetings in this language ... Freddie himself once joked in an interview, saying that he knew "only obscene expressions that would hardly be interesting to you ..."

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_5
Freddie Mercury

Unhappy night case ...

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_6
Great Freddie Mercury ...

As Peter tells, Mercury always walked in the company of friends. However, even this did not save him from an accident in the night bar ... Word Fristone:

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_7
About kids...
Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_8
About Genius Mercury ...
Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_9
About performances ...
Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_10
About the group...
Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_11
About glory ...

According to the memories of Reinehard Maca, Freddie spent more than a month in the gypsum! And to scratch the leg under him, the musician lent the needles from the poppy spouse, Ingrid! Foloune added that during this period Mercury never took advantage of the crutches: he lay in the back seat of the car while he was lucky somewhere ... So, at night, the injured Mercury and his assistant went on ... Concert of Elton John in Munich Olympiahalla! It is no secret that John and Freddie were great friends!

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_12
Freddie Mercury and Elton John

Sense of humor and love for games ...

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_13
Freddie Mercury (Freddie Mercury). Photo: Denis O'Regan

No matter how strange it was now, but since Freddie Freddie had obvious problems with a sense of humor ... "It was a classic English humor - pretty dry ..." says Peter. According to the assistant, Freddie did not like long anecdotes or jokes whose climax was at the end. However - he loved to laugh!

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_14
Freddie Mercury and Peter Foloune

Foloune also said that Mercury was a fan of Scrabble - a board game, in which he often played with his Munich friends! And in Musicland Studios, where he recorded his album Mr. Bad Guy, Freddie installed table tennis! "His passion for Azart was infinite!" - said Peter. What could not be said about politics or religion ... Vocalist Queen often avoided conversations on these topics. Mercury firmly believed that politics and religion are very personal topics for each person. He also did not approve of other celebrities who tried to influence the opinion of people with their loud statements ...

An unforgettable birthday ...

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_15
Freddie Mercury (Freddie Mercury)

Probably one of the most famous moments in Munich became the 39th birthday of Freddie! The memorable party has passed in the walls of the Old Mrs Henderson cabaret. The main condition was the clothes: All guests were to come in black and white outfits ... Let's listen to Peter Folouney:

What is happening that night was imprinted on film: Subsequently, the material served as a great basis for the clip on the song "Living On My Own"! Judging by the personnel - it really was the most crazy party in the world! A huge variety of drinks, snacks ... what is there - at the party there was a whole fountain with champagne! How did Frtoune recalled - that evening Freddie said: "I'm still madly young, baby ..." Friton also said that all his life Freddie admired art in all his manifestations:

How Mr was recorded Bad Guy?

Freddie Mercury and his Munich years: from the words of Peter Folouna ... 14518_16
Freddie Mercury (Freddie Mercury)

Of course, Munich was for Mercury the place in which there were too many temptations ... So, with the words of Frolouna - to record Mr. Bad Guy left for about two years, which became the "tightening session he ever watched ..."!

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