Cool computer games that caused surprise -2


This article will continue to list games, pleasantly surprised the game community most.

Sleeping Dogs.

The spiritual heir to the terrible True CRIME series with the strange name Sleeping Dogs, did not have reason to be so interesting what he went out in practice.

First, as already mentioned, the project was originally planned as the next game True CRIME series, the first part of which, Streets of La, was a mediocre open world shooter, and the second, New York City, came out with a dark undelated with template gameplay, permeated bugs .

Secondly, the UNITED FRONT developer has released only one game - Modnation Racers, races on maps with custom content. To put it mildly, Nehuto.

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When True CRIME: Hong Kong, as it was then called, was canceled, United Front survived a series of dismissal staff and other difficulties until she bought Square Enix, which managed to see the potential in an unfinished project.

Finally, complete and released in the form of a completely new Taitla Sleeping Dogs turned out to be a striking pearl, excellently align the style of both Hong Kong gangster films and films about the eastern martial arts. The main gameplay element is a hand-to-hand fight - was at the same time deep and intuitive, and the scenario is exciting and consistent, although there are lacking stars from the sky in terms of originality.

Ride on beautifully decorated Hong Kong and kicking a passerby in the face every time he shouted: "Need courage to wear it!" Many gamers seemed very cheerful.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Video games on the franchise "Star Wars", although not always turned out to be terrible, still in most cases did not achieve special success. Of course, there are a number of all known exceptions in the face of Dark Forces, the original Battlefront series and the legendary Knights of the Old Republic, but there were also many frankly weak, cynical and useless crafts that tried to parasitize the favorite brand.

Relatively recently electronic arts, having received the "Star Wars" license, started the systematic destruction of the IP with his characteristic enthusiasm, first restarting the Battlefront series and adding the Pay-Win to Win there, and then canceling the Ragtag project from Visceral Studios, which looked truly promising .

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Then the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and, to the great surprise of the gaming public, was a real success. In addition to the fact that there were no favorite EA microtransactions in the game, it, and from a gameplay point, turned out to be extremely successful.

The gameplay reminds slightly simplified version of the battlefield from Dark Souls placed in a metriculum format, promoting location research. In addition, according to the tradition of "Star Wars", attention from the main character over behalf of a cute droid.

God of War (2018)

Soft reboot In 2018, the successful GOD of War franchise has become a surprise. After all, the unsuccessful series is often restarted, and the original game trilogies for PS2 and PS3 had mad success and was named one of the best action-franchises of all time. Ultra-fledged rue in the setting of Greek mythology possessed indescribable charm and was accompanied by a corresponding hurricane slashing gameplay.

When the announcement of the sequel-reboot for PS4 followed, the fans were puzzled. How to turn HEK-end-slash arcade, whose action unfolded in ancient Greece, in a serious game based on Scandinavian mythology? The naive young summit son of Areja was met by ridicule, and an aging, bearded, grumpy brief looked inappropriate.

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The result, however, made all skeptics silence. The rethinking of the franchise performed by Santa Monica Studios has worked not only at the level of the gameplay, but also in aneractive aspect. The repentance of a brief about his unparalleled past, his closure, silent behavior and plausible relationship with the atrement spoke about the growing of not only the character himself, but also the scenarios of the game.

Emotional journey of briefs in combination with unusually tearful for the Final series makes this game one of the most memorable projects of the current generation.

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