Anna-Detective II ": Shooting Completed

Anna-Detective II

Star MEDIA film company and "Boomerang" completed shooting the second season of a historic detective with elements of the Mysticism "Anna-Detective" for TV Center TV channel. Work on the new series of the popular series went for ten months in the Museum-Reserve Museum "Gorki Leninsky", as well as in the estates of Ostafyevo and Sukhanovo, who turned into a provincial town of Zatonk at the time of filming.

As in the first season, the main roles are Anna Viktorovna Mironova with a unique intuition and experienced investigator Yakov Platonovich Stolman - in the new series it will again perform hotly beloved by Alexander Nikiforov's TV viewers and Dmitry Frid. And Sergey Friend in the image of the charming chief of the Savior Department of Anton Andreyevich Korobeikov will complement the duet of detectives and will help to reveal even the most mysterious crimes.

Anna-Detective II

1894 year. Provincial Zatonsky calmed down, forgotten about the sinister events of the past. Anna Mironova lost the gift of communication with spirits ... But one day the spirits come back, as the mysteriously disappeared Jacob Stolman. The gloomy shadow again hung over Zatonsky, cruel murders again shake the city. Anna and Stolman are united to resign to criminals. But will they be able to resurrect their love and find happiness?

Anna-Detective II

Dmitry Frid:

"When they started shooting a series four years ago, they could not even imagine, where it is a long creative way to bring us all. The shooting took place here, in the suburbs, so I was very happy to return to the already native "Gorki Leninsky."

Shots of the second season returned my character to life. My hero Stolman again exists and continues his unusual journey. In the new season, he will change somewhat. Rather, it will even change his circumstances and tests through which he will have to go through. I am confident that new series will be intriguing, exciting and fall into the hearts of our audience! "

Anna-Detective II

Alexandra Nikiforova:

"The most difficult thing in life is to grow up and deal with the difficulties of facing face. And my heroine in the second season has to do that. She will choose a profession in which there were no women, but boldly go against public opinion and stereotypes. Because only we ourselves choose the life path and go their happiness themselves.

This is what I like the series is not just a detective, not just a pleasant time in front of the TV, but much more - he about life, about me, you, - about everyone. And it's great! "

Anna-Detective II

Sergey Mother:

"For those 5 years that the audience did not see Anton Andreyevich Korobeynikov, he had changed a lot. He became more serious, responsible. There is always only one thing - his heart is still entirely and fully belongs to Anna Viktorovna Mironova.

I will open the secret: in the new series of the series, the Korobeynikov will appear a true friend. And in many episodes, during the investigations of the most complex crimes, he will go side by side with my hero ... "

The fans of the series have already seen the first 8 episodes of the new season - November 7, TV Center showed 4 novels "Anna-Detective II". The premiere of all 40 episodes of the second season is scheduled for the spring of this year.

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