Repairing Raspberry: We deal with the peculiarities of growing


Good afternoon, my reader. Repairing raspberries is becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. Its feature and advantage over other varieties is the ability to be fruit twice per season. At the same time, the cultivation technology is similar to the cultivation of the raspberry of traditional varieties, although it has some nuances. Taking on the cultivation of removable raspberries, they must be considered.

Repairing Raspberry: We deal with the peculiarities of growing 14426_1
Repairing Malina: We understand in the peculiarities of Maria Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

Planting Sazedans

First of all, under the removable raspberry, it is necessary to choose a well-lit place, covered by the wind on a plot with a sublinous soil, which is drunk before planting with fertilizers, as well as solutions of potassium sulfate and superphosphate

Deep holes do not need to do under seedlings, since the plant is characterized by a relatively surface root system. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that rain will need to provide efficient drainage.

Repairing Raspberry: We deal with the peculiarities of growing 14426_2
Repairing Malina: We understand in the peculiarities of Maria Verbilkova

Landing raspberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

When directly landing, the seedlings are located in the well so that their root cakes are at the level of the surface of the Earth. Roots are growing so that they can then be completely soaked. After the backfill it is a little tamper. Then the raspberry is watered and mulched. Singles, humid, hay, straw, crushed bark, peat are suitable as mulch.

Raspberry bushes

It is mainly in abundant irrigation and periodic canopy. It is also important several times for the season to shallow soil near the bushes in order to facilitate oxygen access to the roots. To hold moisture in the soil, preventing the appearance and growth of weighing plants, as well as to protect the root system from winter extinction, at the beginning of each new season, mulching is carried out.

To prevent the deformation and breaking the stems under the weight of the berries during the ripening period, they are tested to spicks or trellis. The last option will be preferable if it is planned to receive two harvest per season. On one side, the sets are tied up one-year shoots, on the other - two-year.

This plant absorbs many nutrients from the soil, as a result of which it is quickly depleted. Therefore, Malina needs regular feeding. In its quality, you can use a liquid cowboy or chicken litter, diluted with water in proportions, respectively, 1:10 and 1:20. Per quarter. M Malinnik is spent from 3 to 5 liters of this organic nutrient solution. It is necessary to hold the feeder 2-3 times per season, starting with spring.

Repairing Raspberry: We deal with the peculiarities of growing 14426_3
Repairing Malina: We understand in the peculiarities of Maria Verbilkova

Falker raspberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

There needs a culture and minerals. They are about their lack of scattering of small leaves with dark brown stains along the edges and weakened shoots, acquiring a purple color. The situation can be corrected by using potash fertilizers and phosphorus. They usually make them early in spring or during flowering.

It is carried out by removing the young stroke during the growing season, which will allow the fruitless shoots to obtain the required amount of nutrients and not weaken. Usually, there are 10 healthy shoots on a bush in the spring, of which are fruiting - no more than 5-7.

Repairing Raspberry: We deal with the peculiarities of growing 14426_4
Repairing Malina: We understand in the peculiarities of Maria Verbilkova

Trimming raspberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

It is known that removable raspberries can give two harvest during the season, but many gardeners prefer to be limited to one, because with this version of the berries manage to ripen.

If only one harvest is planned to collect, then in the autumn cut the entire bush under the root, not leaving the hemp.

During the trimming, conducted in the spring, remove damaged, dried and frozen winter shoots.

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