Seregin told about the shortage of physicians in the clinics of the Eagle

Seregin told about the shortage of physicians in the clinics of the Eagle 14411_1

Personnel staffing in institutions of an outpatient polyclinic element is a deficit of 30-40%. About this, with reference to the report of the Department of Society, the Feldscher Dmitry Sergein on its page reported on its page.

Thus, the polyclinic №1 is staffed by the specialist medical professionals by 66.5%; Middle medical workers - by 65.5%. In the polyclinic number 2, it works from the necessary 70.2% of doctors; 75.7% - medium health workers. In the Polyclinic No. 3, the staffing of the doctors is 62.7%; Medium medical staff - 72.6%. In the hospital they. S. P. Botkin, specialist doctors a little more than half - 57.1% (this is the lowest figure in Orel), medium-sized medical workers - 80.2%.

In the children's clinic number 1, the staffing of the frames in the following percentage: 61.8% - doctors specialists; 61.4% - medium health workers. In the children's clinic number 3, doctors - 79.5%; And medium healthcare - 71%. The best situation with personnel was in the children's clinic number 2, where the staff was staffed by 97.2%, and the average medical staff - by 93.9%.

- From this information, we see why such big queues and such long hours of waiting for a doctor's clinic. The lack of personnel reaches an average of about 30-40% of the norm, "wrote Dmitry Seregin.

Noteworthy. As follows from the same report, in Orel, demand exceeds the offer. So, as of January 1, 2021, demand for replacing the vacancies of the medical sister exceeded the supply of 7.8 times, since only 17 unemployed citizens who were registered and employment authorities had this profession (employers were announced by 134 vacancies). The need for doctors of various specialization was 440 units, while among the unemployed citizens were only 2 doctors.

The problem of the Feldscher sees in low wages for Orlovskoe physicians.

"Every day of delay and inefficiency is life. The life of a person who did not have time, or who did not have time to the doctor. Which is not. But you can, it was possible to avoid this catastrophe in the Oryol health care, and for this, in fact, you just needed to fulfill the May decrees of the presidential payment at the rate! In order for the average medical professional to receive 100% of the average for the area of ​​salaries, and the doctor is 200%. And that's it. Then people would work and received a decent wage. Decent of their work and the responsibility and the tension they carry, "says Dmitry Seregin.

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