Why do parents do not want to go to school and kindergarten meetings


Parent meeting - the phrase causing a shiver of fear in children. But this event causes negative not only among students, but also their parents. Not everyone likes the format of holding a meeting, and the non-appearance of parents is becoming more frequent problem. Some misses for good reasons, while others just do not see the meaning in a meeting with the teacher.

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Causes of reluctance to go to the meeting

If you listen to the replicas that pronounce the parents after their child reported on the meeting, then all of them are spinning around some items: "Again a few hours," again will ask for money, "" all the same year in year " and so on and so forth. But if you sum up, you can select the main excuses that parents operate:

  • A boring pastime and a low-informative meeting, which I do not have a desire to allocate time.
  • Requests to pass money on something that cannot be ignored, as the refusal can negatively affect the student.
  • Noise, Taramoram, Balam from scandals between parents.
  • There is no desire to listen to how my child is discussed at all.
  • Preconceived teacher's attitude towards parent or his child.
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There is a problem? There is a solution!

In fact, it is possible to understand the parents, since it is so often happening and happening. Boring one and a half hours, constant pointing for children's mistakes, their bad behavior, hint of bad education and so on. But the situation can be changed and the quality of the parent meeting, as well as the interest of parents in the process of general education directly depends on the class teacher.

In essence, the teacher is like a master of Master at the wedding or commander-in-chief on the exercises. From how thought about the timing of the meeting and the level of tranquility depends on the comfort of parents. It is necessary to clearly voice the topic of the meeting, not exceed the specified time frame, not to arrange a lecture on the topic "Wherever you are looking when you bring up your child", more about the children themselves, about their achievements, about the life of the class and plans for the future. And, of course, prevent disputes among parents.

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The question of finance, and rather money fees for the needs of the class should not take away all the time. And certainly should not be discussed at all some parent or child. This can put in an awkward position of an adult, who for some reason it is not possible to voice the financial position. All personal questions can be discussed alone.

If you definitely say what optimal time should be for the meeting, it is recommended to delay parents for no more than 40-45 minutes. Moreover, if it is not a prom, when you really need to discuss many questions.

It is also worth remembering that the teacher does not have the right to engage in financial issues and collect funds. It is best to appoint a treasurer (one of the parents), which will be trained and a reminder of money contributions.

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Each parent is important

The teacher should equally respect to all parents. It is necessary in one form or another to pay the time to everyone so that he did not feel alone, but on the contrary, felt his importance.

Collection - duty or right?

Well, at the end, I would like to contact your parents directly. The teacher is responsible for the education of a child by about 30%, the rest is your work, as it is that you spend most of the time with the child. Parent meeting - almost the only way to convey information about your children and answer questions.

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There is no such law that would have ordered parents to go to meetings, but believe me, sometimes such meetings allow you to learn something that it is capable of making adjustments to the education of the child and the opportunity to prevent irreversible consequences.

Well, the teacher must try to make the parents have a desire to contact him and come to meetings.

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