In Irkutsk, they want to create a landscape park with a spiral bridge


Irkutsk, 5.03.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - In Irkutsk, a project of a landscape park was developed with a spiral bridge in Akademgorodok.

According to the press service of INITU, the draft Dendropark in Akademgorodok, developed by the head of the Department of Architectural Design, Irnit Andrey Bolshakov and his students, was highly appreciated in the Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS. Polytechnic experts insist on the preservation of the spatial and geobotanic structure and offer to develop a landscape landscape garden.

Director of INTS SB RAS Konstantin Apozin in a letter of thanks to a letter that the authors have conducted a huge work in the framework of the cooperation agreement concluded between Irning and the Irkutsk Scientific Center in May 2018:

- A group of architects under the guidance of Professor Bolshakov at the request of INTS SB RAS created a concept and a sketch project of the Akademgorodok of Irkutsk landscape park. This project received the approval of the inhabitants of Akademgorodok on public discussions, served as the basis for making changes to the project documentation of work on the improvement of public spaces of the territory of the Academgorodok under the program "Comfortable City Wednesday" in 2021, and will also be based on the design of work in 2022-2023 .

The concept of Andrei Bolshakova and the sketch project are included as part of the INTS SC project "Educational Ecological Park" Academic ".

- I treat nature in the city as a great value. The Academgorodok Park is unique, but not primitive geometry, and vegetation, relief and path of the network, trotan citizens and having surprisingly subtle configurations. Therefore, we first revealed an openwork spatial structure in the park, which cannot be "swept", but it is very important, since it is as a result determines - it will be conveniently for citizens here or not, "said Andrei Bolshakov.

In Irkutsk, they want to create a landscape park with a spiral bridge 14389_1
In Irkutsk, they want to create a landscape park with a spiral bridge

The head of the department of architectural design emphasized that landscape parks inscribed in the nature itself are the highest category of gardening and park arts. In Russia, the Wonderful examples of landscape parks are Pavlovsky Park and Gatchina Park - the imperial residences in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

The project authors believe that in the Academgorodok instead of the cycle tape of the right form, it is necessary to build a bike trail, repeating the configuration of the path of the path. Along the route will be placed park furniture, lighting is equipped. The cycling tracks passing through the Park Poles are proposed to improve not asphalt coating - an element of the urban environment, and a broken brick crumb in geotextile. Brick crumb is a natural material that prevents the formation of dirt, not sealing the earth and not highlighting harmful substances.

- We propose to build a pedestrian suspension bridge with a length of 210 meters across the street of Favorsky. The relief has a slope, the street goes along the slope and the height difference exceeds two meters. Lifting height over the street with a bus movement to the birch microdistrict should be at least 3.5 meters. The resistance of the lift to the top of the bridge is not higher than 10% to ensure a comfortable movement of cyclists and wheelchair people. However, there is no place for a 210-meter bridge on this territory (at a minimum, with 40 supports). Therefore, I designed a compact bridge, rolled into two spirals. The design of the vantova, two closed allow you to hang the bridge to only two support masts. The masts of 34 and 30 meters are held on the cables, the span structure of the bridge, twisted into two spirals.

The rings of the spiral are not tightened to the center from the tension of the cables, since metal struts are installed between the ring of the carriageway and the mast, as the constructive advantages of the suspension bridge, Professor Andrei Bolshakov, spoke about the constructive advantages of the suspension bridge.

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