In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon

In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon 14386_1

Thoughtful coloring cartoon

Princess is waiting for his Savior, one of the parents die, Action, Action, Action. Such a presentation was about cartoons from the studio disney, although for several years they destroy these stereotypes.

"Raya and the last dragon" is another confirmation. We looked at the new cartoon and tell how the elegant story stroke allowed the creators to make the topic of parents of central in the cartoon, and how the best and worst parental attitudes were reflected in it. Caution, spoilers!

As it should: respect and rejection of stereotypes

So, the world where the cartoon action occurs, as they say in such texts, plunged into darkness. Most people turned into a statue (just later we will tell why it is a brilliant stroke of the scenarios), and the brave teenage girl Raya fights with dangers to return everything as it was.

This "as it was" begins one of the main storylines - the relations of Rayia and her father, the leader of Benja. How exactly the mother of Raiya died, we do not know, but we see how the father raises the daughter: she teaches martial arts, he says as equal to, is not angry when the little princess turns everything upside down in the castle. In detail explains the meaning of his actions when there are four hostile tribes to their home, and does not say: "Grow and find out."

And even when the daughter in naivety leads enemies to the Holy Saints - to the Dragon Stone, which leads to a disaster of an universal scale, the father does not reproach Rayy, but sacrifices himself for her salvation.

Such relationships are not characteristic of Disney cartoons. You can remember the Father Mulan who wanted to "bring the daughter to the family", that is, simply successfully married. Or Dad Merida, who acted on the side of the mother, if only he was left alone and gave to rely on glorious combat empath.

At the Benji approach there is a scientific reinforcement.

For example, according to research, the involvement of the father in the education of the daughter has a positive effect on its self-esteem and satisfaction with life in adulthood.

Interestingly, such an influence is mutually: fathers who are brought up by daughters gradually refuse gender stereotypes. It was the memory of the time with his father that he helps heels in one of the main scenes when she needs to open the gate and to fight against the army of the enemy alone.

How it is not necessary: ​​hyperemp and transfer installations

Rai and her father have two antagonists from the neighboring Kingdom of Fang: Princess Namaari and her mother of Virana. The queen since childhood taught the daughter: it is impossible to hope for others, you just need to think about the well-being of your people. Cheating, aggression and egoism were encouraged, because all this is for the sake of common good (well, yes, well, yes). It seems that the daughter forever learned these truths. Virana controls every step of his daughter, naturally, pretending that it is necessary for the prosperity of the kingdom.

But there is an interesting point here - the children's faith in Miracle preserved in Namaari, in our case, in dragons. During the battle at the gate of the abandoned kingdom with Ray, Namaari meets the dragon face to face and begins to understand that the concept of the world "circle of enemies" is the result of the desire of the mother to keep power. Before the uprising against the parent oppression is still far away, but this is perhaps the turning point of the entire cartoon.

What are bad relationships from the point of view of science?

The powerful parents seek to control the children and transfer their unrealized ambitions on them, while ignoring the desires of the child himself.

This leads to a deterioration in critical thinking in children, alarm and depression.

It is no coincidence in the study that lasted 70 years, one of the main factors of the success of the child in the future scientists called the ability of parents to listen to their children.

Experiment: put parenthood pause

In addition to the main plot lines in the cartoon there are still many references to parent. It was possible to achieve this thanks to the intelligence of the scenario. Ask any Toddler: what is he dreaming about? Grow, become big for parents not interfere. The creators of the new cartoon put the experiment: what will happen to children if parents suddenly disappear? Not forever, of course.

Someone, like a small boun, organizes a first-class restaurant on the surname boat and will help the main characters to cope with the tests. And someone, like a baby girl, will go along with a slippery path and wholled a gang of robbers together with unusual monkeys. Of course, then moving on the bright side.

You can interpret this message so - if you give children a little freedom, then nothing terrible will happen. Of course, it is not necessary to turn into stone boulders. You can simply let them choose themselves, what to dress for a walk or afford to think, missing "developments".

Science and here on the side of the cartoon.

Studies show that the development of independence skills gives the child a sense of its own effectiveness ("I can do it myself"), increases self-esteem, helps to learn better.

Bonus: Relationships of brothers and sisters

And the last detail that seemed interesting to us - the relationship of dragons. Despite the immeasurable human respect and the status of the gods, it turned out that dragons are all like people. Someone succeeded in magic more, and someone, as one of the main characters of SISU, constantly falls into awkward situations and do not mind to strive for distracted topics instead of giving people a rain and all that.

Nevertheless, the brothers and sisters do not repay and do not quarrel with SISU, and instead it is she who trusted to finish the creation of a dragon stone and save the world from the terrible monsters of Drunov. True, how to transfer such a pacifying philosophy on small brothers and sisters in real life, we have not yet invented.

Still read on the topic

In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon 14386_2
In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon 14386_3
In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon 14386_4
In the gateway: harmful and progressive parental attitudes in the new Disney cartoon 14386_5

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