Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of internal space


Good afternoon, my reader. The greenhouse on the site will allow the early harvest of various vegetable crops, grow thermal-loving plants, flowers, seedlings. But its creation will have to spend a number of forces and means.

Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of internal space 14385_1
Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of the indoor space Maria Verbilkova

Deciding with its future sizes, you need to immediately decide which material will be used for covering: glass, film, polycarbonate. Next, you need to consider the heating and ventilation system. After that, you can collect the framework and carry out the marking of future beds and tracks between them. If it is planned to grow seedlings or plants in pots, racks are made.

It can be carried out in several ways:

  • by applying a gas heating system;
  • autonomous oven, using wood, coal, peat as fuel;
  • electric heating devices with installation for forced injection of warm air;
  • boiler;
  • The device collecting solar energy (helix).
Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of internal space 14385_2
Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of the indoor space Maria Verbilkova

In addition, biofuels (manure, compost, sawdust) can be used for heating, for burning which the construction of a special oven will be required. You can also burn it and simply on the garden, after removing the upper layer of the Earth at the burden site. Then the soil layer will need to restore and dissolve. It will be possible to plant plants in this place in a few days.

The preservation of thermal energy in the greenhouse is no less important task. It is still solved at the stage of its design and construction - when installing doors and ventilation vents. It is also possible to hold heat by using natural heat accumulators that are not a source of thermal energy, but they are capable of holding it relatively long. Among such batteries can be called:

  • Ordinary water. It is filled with buckets or other tanks from metal or plastic, placed inside the greenhouse. During the day, the water in them is warmed up, and after sunset, it will still be cool, moving warmth. To enhance the heat exchange effect of the container, it is recommended to paint black.
  • Large stones (cobblestones). They are laid on the inner perimeter of the greenhouse or in free sections of the beds. Similar to water, during the day they warm up, and in the evening and at night, cooling, will give heat. For their additional heating, heat cannons can also be used.

It will depend on the size of the structure. For a small non-former greenhouse, beds are made along one of the sides. This may be one long bed (if it is planned to plant one culture) or broken down into several. For example, 1.5 m in the center and meter on the left and right of it. The main thing is that then it was possible to freely make a weeping, not advancing them.

Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of internal space 14385_3
Greenhouse: nuances of arrangement of the indoor space Maria Verbilkova

For an arched greenhouse, in any case, you will have to do two beds with a path between them. The width of the track is determined that it can be passed on it with buckets or waterboards, not assigated plants. This is usually 50-70 cm. It will not be superfluous to lay out them with a non-slip solid coating, for example brick.

The beds should be raised relative to the tracks. To prevent the slide of the soil on the track, borders are built. For this, ordinary boards will be suitable, the width of which should be several centimeters to exceed the height of the bed. Mount the boards with the help of pegs.

Prepare a place under the garden, you can start the fitting of the soil. It can be a ready-made substrate sold in garden stores, or a self-prepared mixture. In some cases, this is not necessary. If the soil on which the greenhouse is installed, saturated, is well fertilized, then it can be limited to using it only. In this case, it needs to be disinfected by steaming.

Determining the type of soil mixture, you need to take into account which cultures are planned to be planted in a greenhouse. Often the soil acceptable for some plants is not suitable for others. In addition, determining the type of crop sitting, you need to take into account their compatibility.

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