Increase your salary from 15 to 80 thousand rubles each. You only need to take responsibility for your life.

Increase your salary from 15 to 80 thousand rubles each. You only need to take responsibility for your life. 14370_1

Probably, each of those reading these lines dreams of a worthy earnings. Everyone appreciates the concept of decent earnings in different ways, but in general, most of the $ 1,000 US dollars. When I started my work path, I received only 15 thousand rubles. It was on the defense plant in Moscow. I lived then in the suburbs and every day on the first train I drove into the capital for the sake of ill-faced work. It is clear that I could afford anything on such a salary.

And I wanted to travel and ride the sea. But it was impossible to do this for 15,000 rubles.

Once I sat down and wondered: what I do wrong. And revelation declined on me - I realized that I lack responsibility for myself and for my life.

The next day I began to behave as if I personally answer me for every second in my life. Then the past began to take me.

To reset it, I decided to completely erase it and start living with a blank sheet. This helped me a clear construction of plans for the future. I went to walk into the forest, sat down on Prenok and began to think: what I want to get in the future.

I realized that all my wishes are spinning around one - the dreams of financial independence. The desire for this and became the goal of my life.

I got up with hemp, counted all my money, which I had in my pocket and went to the nearest bookstore. Without a special discord, I bought books on finance, investment, earnings and career as much money I had enough money.

Having come home with books, I began to eat them greedily. It began to get it so that I read these books all my free time, almost nights, but I slept in the train and at work for which deservedly exposed to proven, and in the end was dismissed.

I did not care if I didn't even upset, even on the contrary. I moved from the Moscow region to Pyatigorsk and settled it to work a salesman in a small private computer store. Work in sales I was very inspired. A few years later I was not to know.

I understood the immutable laws of financial success I began to invest a lot and began to develop my business. In all endeavors I succeeded. Today, income from my business brings me at least 80 thousand rubles per month. It's minimum. Plus I have a passive investment income.

Approximately 40% of my profit comes from passive income. The rest brings my business. In total, I earn more than 150 thousand per month. At the same time, I continue to invest further in order to increase the share of passive income in my life. Working in this mode for another 10 years I will retire at 44 years. Not bad, isn't it?

It all started with the fact that I was self-responsible for my life. And I want you to do just. Thank you for listening to me.

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