Dmitry Medvedev: Technically Russia is ready to disconnect from the global Internet

Dmitry Medvedev: Technically Russia is ready to disconnect from the global Internet 14364_1

Russian authorities have a clear plan for turning off Russia from the global Internet, if such a step has to be done. About this stated Dimitri Medvedev in the process of conversation with domestic media.

Medvedev confirmed that there are technical capabilities that will ensure the full work of the Runet. He assured that "To turn off the Runet from the world Internet, everything is ready both from technical and from a legislative point of view, but such a step is difficult to do and no one would like that."

Medvedev said that the implementation of a plan for turning off Russia from the global network is auxiliary option to which the authorities are resorted only as a last resort.

"Of course, we have long have a plan for how to get started in a situation of need to disabling the Russian Federation from the global Internet. But it must be remembered that the basic rights to manage the main web services, services and platforms belong to the United States. Therefore, in an emergency, if our Western colleagues demolish the head, then the disconnection will really happen, "said Dmitry Medvedev's situation.

Medvedev also reminded reporters of Russian media that the Russian Federation is constantly frightened by disconnecting from various international systems, including SWIFT.

"Not so long ago we adopted the law on sovereign Internet. This was done only so that we could manage the runet autonomously, because the entire country is tied on the Internet today, the possibilities for obtaining a variety of social functions are associated with it. In this regard, if the need arises, the law will be adopted. At the same time, I urge all of you to be realistic - if the Russian segment of the Internet becomes separate, then there will be serious problems, because it will take a lot of time in order to reconfigure everything, "Medvedev said.

At the same time, he noted that at the moment does not observe the signs that the situation develops and walked to the fact that Russia will still be disabled from the global Internet.

"Everyone is perfectly understood that the separation of the Runet is a double-edged weapon. If Russia is disconnected from international systems, but we will take response. All our friends, as well as friends in quotes, they all use the Internet to express their position, so it will not be profitable for anyone that Russia will be disabled from it. But we are not afraid. For example, China's experience is very visible, where all international popular social networks have long been replaced with their own Chinese, in which a huge number of users, "MEDVEDEV summarized.

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