Why the glasses sweat in the car and what to do about it


The danger of stovered windows in the car lies not only in the fact that the review is worse. The appearance of condensate on the glasses can cause breakdown and technical malfunction, so it is important to monitor this phenomenon. Especially pay attention to that, not oils of whether the drops and whether there is no unpleasant smell.

"Take and do" will help get rid of the fogging of the glasses, and will also tell how to minimize this problem.

Why the glasses are fought in the car

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Missing windows in the car occurs due to increased humidity in the cabin, which leads to the formation of condensate. Causes may be natural or being the result of technical faults:

  • High temperature difference in the cabin and on the street. Especially often with this problem, you have to face in winter and late autumn.
  • Dampness in the cabin. If you fade in the rain and sat down in the car, you cannot avoid fogging glass. It also affects water accumulated on mats due to wet and snow-covered shoes.
  • Strong fog. It consists of the smallest droplets of water, so it is not surprising that moisture in the cabin in such weather increases several times.
  • Violated sealing. Check how high-quality door seals perform their function, whether they are enough to protect with wet air into the car.
  • Air filter dirt. If it is clogged with dust and leaves, it will make it difficult to work the climatic installation.
  • Zoor in the tube of condensate drain. Clean the drainage hole, otherwise the air conditioner will work incorrectly.

How to minimize fogging

To forget about forever flashing glasses, first must be minimized by the reasons described above:

  • Sharp with shoes water and snow.
  • Wet stuff type umbrella put in sealed packages.
  • After driving, check if raw things left in the cabin. Drop the water from the rugs if required.
  • Make sure that the drainage system does not clog.
  • Remove the snow and foliage with the radiator grille, as well as in the slot between the windshield and the hood.
  • Check if the ventilation openings are not closed in the trunk.

Why the glasses sweat in the car and what to do about it 14349_2
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In addition, you can use special tools to prevent condensate on the windows:

  • Circle polycarbonate based film. This material pushes water without giving it to accumulate on the surface. In addition, it is absolutely transparent and wearless.
  • Use the tools from the anti-plants line. The assortment has aerosols, gels, napkins, and the like. The effect is enough for several trips.
  • Lubricate the glasses of foam or gel for shaving. Apply the remedy for clean dry windows, turn well, and then remove the remnants with paper napkins.
  • Prepare a solution of alcohol and glycerol in a 20: 1 ratio. For convenience, apply it to the glass with a spray gun. Then wipe the surface with napkins.

What to do with swam glasses

Why the glasses sweat in the car and what to do about it 14349_3
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  • Use the climate control system or turn on the air conditioner. If there is no one, no other will help blowing. Direct air flow on the windshield and side windows.
  • Turn on the heating for the rear window.

Why the glasses sweat in the car and what to do about it 14349_4
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  • To reduce moisture in the cabin, use a silica gel or filler for feline toilets. You can pour them into a tissue bag or sock and put in the cabin.
  • Water from the rug can be removed with snow. Take the snowball, put it on the puddle. When water is absorbed, throw it away.
  • Locate on the rug newspaper. But do not forget to change it on time, so as not to get the opposite desired effect.

Why the glasses sweat in the car and what to do about it 14349_5
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Tip: Do not wipe the windows with a cloth, because after a couple of minutes there are noisions again. The newspaper will cope with this task better.

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