"Pay residents for vaccination?" In the sidelines, the idea was already discussed


Although currently wishing to vaccinate more than the available vaccines, it is likely that the time will come when the vaccine will remain, and few people want to take vaccination from COVID-19. This means that vaccination organizers will have to think about how to interest people. Prime Minister Krisyanis Karinsh denies that the government considered a proposal to stimulate the population materially. At the same time, according to the reports of closed government meetings, published by Re: Baltica, show that at least one government meeting was mentioned the idea of ​​paying residents for vaccination, "Neakariga" writes.

The Bureau of the Vaccination Project is already beginning to think about how to interest people with vaccination. Currently, traditional methods are used - booklets, advertising, radio, etc. In the future, it is planned to inform the population about a pandemic "public" people, and not representatives of the government. VIP-person vaccination organized by the Vaccination Project Bureau was in a sense an extraordinary solution for Latvia.

True, now you can argue about whether it was a good solution. And it was conceived, it was like an incentive for the elderly to undergo vaccination. And it would work if only VIP persons in a solid age would receive a vaccine, and not those who were at odds, ahead of thousands of older people - namely those who live and work in social institutions, oncological patients with chronic diseases and etc.

The fee for vaccination would also become an unusual solution. In the transcripts of closed meetings of the government published by Re: Baltica, it is said that at least one meeting was mentioned at least at one meeting (December 1, 2020). At this meeting, Prime Minister Krisyanis Karinsh asked if the likelihood was that at some point the state would pay people for vaccination and thus protect other members of society. Or, on the contrary, demand payment from those who refuse vaccination?

The idea of ​​material interest in stimulating vaccination was then the Minister of Health Ilze Vinkel did not reject, but recognized that this question should still be learned: "It is necessary to program, see what experience is. Vaccination is very thin. We must understand whether we will pay and those who have come to vaccinate, or just to those who do not want to vaccinate. Here we will have to think. It seems to me that this is the case when you need to consult with social anthropologists and economists. "

The current Minister of Health Daniel Pavluts categorically rejects the idea of ​​payment for vaccination. "Such a proposal was not on the agenda of the government, and the Minister of Health Daniel Pavluts at the moment does not support him. Now the potential advantages of vaccinated are discussed at the level of the European Union. In accordance with joint European solutions, the Government of Latvia may also develop proposals for technical and administrative decisions for the vaccinated population to confirm the fact of vaccination both within the country and while traveling.

Also, based on the conclusions of scientists, it will be necessary to make a decision on the benefits for vaccinated people, for example, an additional vacation (day off), exemption from self-insulation, etc., "said Cynthia Gulbe, press secretary of the Ministry of Health.

Prime Minister Krisyanis Karinshov did not admit to "Naatkariga" that the issue of stimulating vaccination was recorded materially previously discussed at government meetings. Press Secretary of Prime Minister Sandris Sabaevs said: "Such proposals were not filed and not considered by the government. Vaccination in Latvia Voluntary, vaccine and vaccinations for the population are free. In the process of vaccination it is very important to inform the population about the safety of vaccines and their role in ensuring the immunity of the population. The organization of the vaccination process, informing and raising awareness of society is the tasks of the Vaccination Project Bureau. "

The Bureau of the Vaccination Project, for its part, does not have an opinion on this issue. "Vaccination Bureau, as the Structural Department of the Ministry, subordinate to the Minister of Health, together with other structural units of the Ministry of Health and health facilities implements the vaccination plan. The Bureau does not make decisions on the vaccination process in isolation, "said Agnes Strast," Naatkarig "Agnes Strasty, Consultant for Communications Bureau of Vaccination Project.

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