Why radisi begins to smoke and what to do about it


    Good afternoon, my reader. Many gardeners faced the challenge of the REDS. It seems that everything is sown and political in time. But instead of forming root, the vegetable gives an arrow and starts blooming. There are several factors provoking the swing. It is worth understanding why Radish is not always successful, and what to do that his harvest is pleased.

    Why radisi begins to smoke and what to do about it 14298_1
    Why radishes begins to smoke and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    First of all, it is necessary to know whether the variety variety is zoned for the landing region. If the radishes do not suit the conditions and climate, it will spend all the strength to adapt. And, accordingly, it will only shoot and blossom.

    Sowing time is of great importance, since the duration of the daylight directly affects the development of radish. If you sow seeds in May, then the likelihood is that the crop will not be. Culture will react to a longer day day. Therefore, than he is shorter, the larger the fruits will be. Gardeners are recommended to plant radish as soon as the snow melts. For landing, it is necessary to choose early varieties that quickly form juicy and delicious root roots.

    Sowing is undesirable when the air temperature is already greater than 20 degrees. Radishes poorly tolerates heat, it slows down its development. Therefore, all efforts will be wasted.

    Why radisi begins to smoke and what to do about it 14298_2
    Why radishes begins to smoke and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    The choice of soil for landing of radish is also important. Heavy clay depleted soils are not suitable for him. For this, vegetable are good areas of vulnerable peatlands, lungs of loam and chernozem. If the soil does not meet these requirements, it should be facilitated by sand and compost or humus.

    In beds with planted radish should be carefully made fertilizers. If you move to nitrogen compositions, it may cause the emission of the arrows. When choosing, feeding should be preferred by organic products: rewinding manure, compost. They will contribute to the rapid development of the root.

    This culture loves open sunny sections, in the shade she exactly stops the arrow. But here you need to take into account the fact that the excess of sunlight affects the same negatively, as well as the disadvantage.

    It is worth considering what plants earlier grew on the garden. The predecessors of the radish should be potatoes, cucumbers or onions. Then the harvest will be good. But if you sow this vegetable after radish, cabbage or lettuce, he will go to the arrow and will be small and solid.

    Why radisi begins to smoke and what to do about it 14298_3
    Why radishes begins to smoke and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    As soon as radishes cease to get enough water, begins to grow tops. But the root plant is poorly developing, so it goes into the arrow.

    Watering should be abundant and daily, especially during drought. It is also important not to score the soil, so you need to use a watering can with a pitch. It is better to spend the procedure in the evening after sunset.

    Too dense landings are also the cause of RED WORK. There should be enough space between plants and rows. Therefore, as soon as radishes goes out, it should be switched. And then regularly pour from weeds and loosen the soil.

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