Combining magnetic fields of the eye and brain will allow managing a computer "force of thought"


Scientists told about the technology of the future

Combining magnetic fields of the eye and brain will allow managing a computer

Employees of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPUU) work on the creation of a system that allows you to manage the computer "strength of thought". The technology is based on the reading of magnetic brain fields. Such a system, according to its creators, will simplify the lives of people with disabilities. Scientific article with research materials appeared in the Frontiers of Neuroscience magazine.

According to MHPU specialists, the technology management technology is applied in some operating systems. It uses aitreker, which fixes the position of the pupil with the help of a camcorder and determines which part of the screen is concentrated on the screen. The researchers noted one significant disadvantage of this technology: it is not able to distinguish the intentional and random delays of the view, which in Aitreker are used as a "click" of a computer mouse.

Combining magnetic fields of the eye and brain will allow managing a computer

The new technology will allow the system to avoid false positives "click". For this purpose, another technology will join the work of Aitreking - the interface of the brain-computer (ICC), which is also actively used to assist people with disabilities. ICC is capable of distinguishing the brain signals and managing the computer "power of thought".

Many tried to unite the ICC with the "Eye Direction". With the help of ICC, it is convenient to make a "click" - for this you can imagine the movement of your hand. But such a combination is still extremely inconvenient, since ICC works slowly, forcing the user representing the required action, to delay the view for a long time. In addition, the mental actions needed for ICC are quite poorly combined with intentional loying, Sergey Shishkin, a leading researcher of the Meg Center, Head of Research.

In the system developed by MHPU specialists, users are quite intentionally detained, which leads to a change in the pattern of brain signals, so that the system recognizes the click "Click" command. To register weak magnetic brain fields, magnetorencephalography (MEG) is used. The operation of the system was verified by an experimental way. In the course of the study, volunteers were invited to play a modified version of the game "Lines", the management in which was carried out using a view delay tracking technology. The data on the activity of the brain, obtained using MEG, was treated with an artificial intelligence algorithm, which determines the intention of the delay of the view.

According to Anastasia Ovchinnikova, which is a senior researcher of the MGPU Meg Center, at the moment the accuracy of determining the intention of the delay of the view is not enough to begin the introduction of a new technology. The reason is the insufficient database necessary to teach the algorithms of the neural network. In the future, scientists plan to expand the sampling of the MEG data to improve the work of the AI.

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