Champignons: grow at home


    Good afternoon, my reader. Growing mushrooms at home causes more and more interest among fans of crop production. Champignons become the most popular view for breeding. Those who are first going to grow by the cultivation of champignons at home, should be remembered - this process is quite time-consuming, requiring knowledge and patience.

    Champignons: grow at home 14273_1
    Champignons: Grow Nelle's Houses

    Growing champignons (Photo Used by standard license ©

    In nature, champignons can grow almost everywhere, preferring open, wet places with enough nutrient soil.

    Cultivation at home requires compliance with rather strict requirements:

    • Air humidity must be at least 60%;
    • Air temperature when landing mycelium 24 - 27 degrees, when the fruit bodies are distured 15 - 17 degrees;
    • soil nutrition must be high;
    • Permanent ventilation of the room without drafts;
    • Lighting mushrooms are not required, they grow better in the dark.

    For year-round cultivation of champignons, rooms are well suited without sharp temperature differences - cellar, basement or pantry.

    The soil for cultivation of mushrooms must be carefully prepared. Experienced specialists recommend growing champignons, placing soil in bags or containers. If there is an opportunity to use to plant mycelium or the argument of the mushroom and growing fruit bodies. Different rooms, rearrange bags or containers.

    For the preparation of the substrate uses manure (desirable horse) and straw. For a plot of 1 square. m must be taken:

    • 40 kg of straw;
    • 20 kg of manure (horse or cowboat);
    • 800 g of superphosphate and ammonium sulfate;
    • 2.8 kg of urea;
    • 2 kg of chalk.

    It is necessary to soak the straw in warm water on one day. Then, in a suitable container, layers to lay straw and manure (approximately 6 layers), shedding with warm water each layer. Three days, mix, adding part of the urea, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate.

    For sowing is used by mycelium, grown on organic residues, or cereal mycelium, in which grain oats, wheat or rye is a substrate for the argument of the mushroom.

    Champignons: grow at home 14273_2
    Champignons: Grow Nelle's Houses

    Growing champignons (photos with

    Landing technology varies with these species. The grains are scattered over the surface of the substrate, then sprinkled with soil. Mycelium, grown on the organic, should be decomposed into the wells (3 - 5 cm) at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from each other. The soil temperature should not be above 28 ° C, the room temperature is not lower than 27 ° C, the humidity of the air should reach 90%.

    Mushroom threads are formed on the surface after 2 weeks. They are sprinkled with a mixture of 5 parts of peat, 1 parts of limestone and 4 parts of the earth. After 3-5 days, the room temperature should be reduced to 15 - 17 degrees, maintain air humidity is not lower than 60% and ventilated, not allowing drafts.

    After 3 months, the mushrooms appear and grow within 1 - 2 weeks.

    At the cottage or household plot, champignons can be grown in a greenhouse or simply on the garden.

    Greenhouses for champignons can be made from polycarbonate, glass or films or use greenhouses. Since mushrooms do not bring direct sunlight, you need to arrange shading. For ventilation, you can use household fans by installing them under the ceiling of the greenhouse to prevent drafts.

    The bed is made with a width of 1.5 m, pumping the soil together with horseradish or cow dung. Over the beds, arcs are installed and covered with a film. When the seedlings of the zucchini on the garden starts to grow, mycelium mushrooms are planted between bush.

    The cultivation of champignons is a complex process, but fascinating. When compliance with technology, sufficient quantity, concentration and care can be grown mushrooms throughout the year.

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