Perm region will take part in the third stage of the State Program of Tourist Kesbek

Perm region will take part in the third stage of the State Program of Tourist Kesbek 14260_1

Rosturism announced the beginning of the third stage of the state program of subsidizing trips to the Russian Federation, it will resume night from 17 to March 18. You can buy tours or accommodation until June 15, while you can go on a trip until June 30 of this year.

Thus, as before, we want to give people the opportunity to relax to the May holidays and at the beginning of the summer. Moreover, the resort season this year opens from May 1. In addition, the program allows you to support the business in the offseason, announced the head of Rosturism Zarina Doguzov.

We will remind, in the program on a partial return of funds, tours of any cost paid by a plastic or virtual map of the world participate. After buying a travel or stay in a classified hotel, a duration of at least two nights is on the map within five days will go cache. The return amount will be 20% per single card operation, but not more than 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can get a subsidy unlimited number of times.

At the third stage, the program participates 40% of more partners about 3.5 thousand hotels and tour operators, as well as service aggregators. You can buy tourist services as a portal of MIRPTERES.RF and on the websites of the program partners, the head of growth was emphasized.

According to the department, all Russian regions will take part in the third stage of the program, including the Kama region. As emphasized in the Regional Ministry of Tourism and Youth Policy, the region is ready for receiving tourists from all over the country. Moreover, each traveler will be able to find a rest here for any of his preferences. The region is able to satisfy the interests of various groups of the population.

Earlier, the Governor of the Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin noted that the Kama region was far outside the country glorified cultural and historical brands: Perm animal style, mining civilization, Perm wooden gods, Perm period, theaters. According to him, the region is known as the salt and tea capital of Russia. In the Perm region, many options for rest at any time of the year. We develop environmental, wellness, active, children and silver tourism. In the summer there are wonderful opportunities to go into a cruise or alloy, in the winter to visit the ski resorts and bases, denoted Dmitry Makhonin.

The current list of tour operators, hotels and aggregators, the answers to popular questions will be posted on the siteHttps: //Mirput.


The federal program to return the part of the funds spent on a travel around the country began to operate on August 21. From October, not only hotels and tour operators participated in it, but also tourist aggregators. In total, in two phases of the program, the Russians bought tours of 6.5 billion rubles. The state returned to tourists for traveling around 1.2 billion rubles. In total, 15 billion rubles were allocated for the program.

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