Multimedia Museum of Main Transport Gas

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Not so long ago, namely in 2016, an interactive, scientific and educational museum of the main transport of gas opened in Moscow. This year marks 75 years since the formation of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow, which has become a reason to learn more about the emergence of the gas industry in a unique museum.

What is the uniqueness?

The Museum of the Main Transport of Gaza is the first and only one of its kind. It will be interesting to look into it not only to future gas gasoviks, but also those who know nothing about the pipeline gas. The gas industry is one of the youngest in our country, but already has a rich history of formation and development.

The museum was created to preserve the historical heritage of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow, to tell the young generation about him and stimulate interest among the visitors to study the natural sciences.

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Model for experiences

The main part of the exhibition consists of ten halls and outdoor territory. The Museum is waiting for the historical block, the production and technical section and the educational part. The exposition was created using modern interactive technologies.

Interactive exposition

The museum is equipped with multimedia equipment, interactive plates, scientific models and even games. It was not without usual stands with archival documents of the company, rare devices for measuring the gas level and welding masks of military time. Exposure is located on three levels of the museum.

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Interactive exhibit

At the first level of the excursion platform, you will learn the history of the gas industry. On the construction of the very first far gas pipeline "Saratov-Moscow", about the transportation of gas, its composition and properties.

At the second level, you will learn about the transportation, storage and distribution of gas, you can study the principles of the compressor station and get acquainted with its equipment. With the help of existing models, you can find out how the gas purification node works, check the integrity of the gas pipe with the help of a flaw detector, test welding seams for pipes and much more. Becoming a real dispatcher, you will pass the entire path of natural gas from the deposit to the gas burner. You can even try on the image of the gas, make photos and send yourself by email.

In the zero level you are waiting for interactive objects of the gas supply system. You will be in the compressor, on the gas measuring station and will fall at the station underground gas storage. Multimedia exhibits will tell about the full cycle of the station.

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Layout of the gas station

A bit of history

Without gas, it is impossible to introduce our modern life, but do we know much about him?

The history of the main gas in Russia begins with the construction of the first main gas pipeline in 1946. Natural gas was discovered in Saratov. The gas route began with the village of Elzhanka in the Saratov region and ended with the village of Razda, the Moscow Region. It was this route that laid the foundation for creating a unified gas supply system in our country.

Let's return during the construction of the first gas pipeline. During the Great Patriotic War, the cities desperately lacked gas. Enterprises were forced to obtain the necessary fuel through the use of firewood, fuel oil and peat. Then it was proposed to hold the first gasification of Moscow.

In 1944, Stalin signed a decree on the construction of the first in the USSR of the main gas pipeline. The first gas pipeline in its path crossed the river, swamps, lakes. No techniques, nor people for the construction lacked. Oddly enough, but women participated in the gas pipeline. They are digging trenches for pipe laying. Saratov natural gas was mixed with artificial and served straight to consumers: factories, factories, utilities facilities. So began the Great Gas Way in Russia.

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Construction of the first gas pipeline

How to get to the museum?

To do this, it is necessary to leave a preliminary application, specifying the date, time and number of visitors. Museum holds free cognitive excursions for age category 12+

  • Moscow, Sosenskoe settlement, P. Gas pipeline, 101, Corp. one.
  • [email protected].
  • + 7 (900) 900-41-82

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