Mutating QWIS versions from the UK and Africa spread rapidly -


Mutating QWIS versions from the UK and Africa spread rapidly -

Mutating QWIS versions from the UK and Africa spread rapidly -

Almaty. Jan. 7. KazTAG - According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mutating the versions of coronavirus infection (CVI) from Great Britain and Africa spread rapidly, the United Nations (UN) reports.

"Scientists conduct further studies of new options identified in the UK and South Africa. It has already been established that both virus strains in these two countries are different, although they have some similarity. They are easier to be transferred from a person to a person, in other words, spread with greater speed, "Van Kerkhov technical director said.

However, she assured, "the mutation of the virus did not lead to a change in the severity of the disease."

"The good news is that none of these mutated variants of the virus leads to a more severe form of the disease. But they can spread faster, "WHO clarified.

According to preliminary data, mutating viruses can be identified using existing testing tools. In addition, they noted in the organization, vaccine against COVID-19 effective and against new strains.

"There is no reason to believe that the available vaccines will not be effective against two mutating viruses," said Michael Ryan Emergency Situations director.

WHO experts reported that the organization called on all countries of the world to timely identify any new virus versions, increase the sequencing of viruses and report cases of detected mutations.

"The mutation is a natural process of adaptation of the virus. Coronavirus, causing COVID-19, is distributed for a year, and its task is not to kill the body into which it is penetrated, but to survive and multiply. The vaccine is an effective means of fighting COVID-19, but it is not yet available yet, and today it is extremely important to increase its production volumes and accelerate delivery, "added to the organization.

WHO employees again called on all the main sanitary and anti-epidemic and restrictive measures.

"Physical distance is one of the most effective methods to keep the dissemination of COVID-19. We must all be vigilant, celebrate who is next to us, and keep the distance all the time. We must disinfect and wash your hands, wear masks, open windows and avoid places of accumulation of people, stay at home and follow other advice. Many neglect these recommendations and go on travels that could be postponed, or are found by large companies. All this leads to an increase in the number of cases of the disease, "Van Kerkhov emphasized.

Answering journalists' questions, WHO representatives reported that today it is known that people who have surpassed, even without symptoms, COVID-19, is produced by immunity.

"However, it is not yet known how long this immunity is preserved. Studies on this score continue, "added to WHO.

According to the latest data, more than 85 million cases of KVI infection have been recorded in the world.

"The situation with the spread of the virus will be varied from the region to the region. In Asia, many countries managed to take the situation under control. And in Europe and the United States, the virus continues its rapid procession. In some countries, hospitals are overcrowded and do not cope with the influx of patients who need help, "Van Kerkhov said.

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