Grandson Kekalbayev learned about the paid propaganda of construction at the Bozgyra


Grandson Kekalbayev learned about the paid propaganda of construction at the Bozgyra

Grandson Kekalbayev learned about the paid propaganda of construction at the Bozgyra

Aktau. 24 February. KazTAG - The grandson of the famous Kazakhstan political figure Abysh Kekilbayeva - Abul Kekilbaev learned about the paid propaganda of the construction of the hotel in the bosjyr tract in the Mangystau region, the agency correspondent reports.

"It became known to me from the pool of journalists and bloggers on the allocation of a solid budget for the propaganda of the construction of the hotel at Bozgyre. So the information war of opponents and the "Support Group" of Investors began, "wrote Abul Kekilbayev on Wednesday on his page in the social network.

He suggested openly publish the names of all journalists and bloggers promoting construction, "so that the people knew their heroes."

Recall that on February 16, the source of Mia KazTag, familiar with the situation, said that the akimat stands for the hotel's project in the Bozgyre just because the corresponding indication of the top.

"The Turkish company, which built Rixos in Aktau, brought there resources, now back it is unprofitable, and they found a major project that is promoting through the government," the source said, noting that the Turkish side plans to implement a project for borrowed money in the amount of more T37 billion, which intends to receive from the State Development Bank of Kazakhstan, and the initiators of the project are now manipulated by public opinion.

At the past February 16, public hearings, the defenders of the tract were offered to ban entry into the bosser before giving him official status. Supporters of the construction of the hotel in a tract on hearings, in turn, tried to imagine everything so that 50 fashionable villas, parking, a graded road and a helicopter platform allegedly affect the ecology of the boosts.

The approval of the construction supporters of the hotel completely contradict the opinion of the general public and environmentalists, and the resonance around the project continues to gain momentum. So, in mid-February, an action was held in Paris in defense of the bosjyr tract. The compatriots living in France and their like-minded people joined the movement against construction in the territory of the Kazakhstan reserve.

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