The authorities of Kyrgyzstan launched the health reform

The authorities of Kyrgyzstan launched the health reform 14226_1
The authorities of Kyrgyzstan launched the health reform

The authorities of Kyrgyzstan announced the start of the health care reform. This was announced on January 12 in the press service of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan. It became known what changes are waiting for medicine in the republic.

In Kyrgyzstan, work began to optimize medical services. This was reported in the Ministry of Health of the Republic on January 12, after discussion of the Plan of measures for the reorganization of the health system.

According to the press service of the ministry, the reorganization of medical institutions will be carried out, in which the centers of family medicine will be attached to territorial hospitals. It is also assumed to merge groups of family doctors, dental clinics and other medical organizations. In addition, the reorganization of urban and regional centers for the prevention of diseases and statesane-poidnadzor is expected by creating inter-district centers.

According to the Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan Alymkadyr Bayshenaliyev, after the analysis, the agency found that almost all territorial hospitals and centers of family medicine in the republic are located on one territory, there is a duplication of functions, incomplete use of laboratory and diagnostic equipment.

"Reorganization will give patients the opportunity to obtain preventive, diagnostic and medical services in one health care institution," said the minister. According to him, the reform will optimize the distribution and use of personnel, financial and material resources at all levels of the health care system. Bayshenaliyev stressed that none of the practitioners will remain without work, and the reduction will affect only the administrative and administrative apparatus.

Recall, earlier, I.O. Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Artem Novikov at a meeting of the Council on Economic Reforms under the Government of the Republic proposed a new approach to changes in the country. "Work for the same principles is to stand in one place, without any progress," he said. At the end of the meeting, projects were approved to eliminate extra administrative barriers in the construction of construction, as well as to simplify and reduce land transformation procedures for the implementation of investment projects and the development of industrial enterprises.

Read more about the state of the Kyrgyz economy in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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