Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus

Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_1
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_2
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_3
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_4
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_5
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_6
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_7
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_8
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_9
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_10
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_11
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_12
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_13
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_14
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_15
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_16
Spanish shame in our way. Top 10 strange solemn discoveries in Belarus 14201_17

Belarusians are very loved by holidays. But what to do, if there is no reason for the holiday, and the soul requires something solemn? In this case, the holiday is satisfied from nothing: cut the ribbon with gold scissors, invite the boggles to sang and danced, and the audience tearfully thanked officials for a gift to the city. Oh yeah, a gift! It is he who should be in the center of such events. In this top, we collected the strangest gifts to the cities and villages of Belarus, with Pompey, presented by Belarusian directors and officials. Try not to spill tea on the keyboard from the solemnity of the moment.

"Let's say toilet:" In a good way! ""

In 2018, the solemn opening of the public toilet was held in the southern market in Grodno with the assistance of GrodnotorgService. And not some cesspool with a wooden booth, but a normal waterclosure in a separate capital building. Video and photos from the opening are published on

- I think the tenants will be happy to comfortably ... go where it is necessary. Think about the music, something to comprehend and successfully complete your business. Well, buyers ... for the buyer, probably three things are important: money in your pocket, so that it was what to buy, where to go on such issues and what to eat.

And although in the amount it turned out four things, it was just such a strange speech at the opening of the toilet, director of GrodotorgServisa Vladimir Sychevsky. But before criticizing his oratory talents, answer themselves to the question: would you better cope with this task?

- Therefore, our public place called "Toilet" - Let's say to him: "In a good way!" - signed director.

Thanking the head for such a gift, visitors of the solemn event asked if the toilet would be free. It turned out - no. On the toilet immediately appeared stretching "Rent".

- It is necessary that the toilet is free, the tenants of retail space objected. - You will not go to paid buyers, go through the bushes.

- Let's better shout "Hurray!" - proposed a compromise decision by the director of Grodnotorgservis. And people shouted together "Hurray!".

Railing to Victory Day

Red ribbons, satisfied pensioners, proud to member Marzalyuk - All this will be remembered by Belarusians as the strangest discovery of 2019. You, too, for sure to remember him: we are talking about a comfortable descent with railing in the territory of the Mogilev Park. True, in addition to the railing, the trail was dedicted except with rubble, so that the shoes of the walking people are not very dirty. Belarusian television awarded this event of the plot in the news release, without the shadow of the irony, calling the railing "a gift for guests and residents of the city on the eve of Victory Day."

Russian media gladly picked up this news and separated her to Runet. Especially since the deputy Marzalyuk shortly before this conquered the network by an emotional reaction to Lukashenko's speech: he cried, nodded and applauded.

In general, the Russian publication "Politics today" asked a deputy on the relevance of the solemn ceremony in honor of the railing. That's what he replied:

- Who cares? Why do such questions ask me Russian journalists? None of the Belarusian media asked me about the ribbon! Make something first for yourself! A red ribbon is a normal symbol. Symbol of positive change. And what did you need to do quite without a holiday? Pensioners live there, my voters. They asked me to make this holiday. We decided that taking into account these bright holidays - and the commemoration of all ancestors, and the most great holiday on May 9, is such a small gift.

Hangar for garbage

In 2019, the area for temporary storage of secondary waste was solemnly opened on the territory of the Vileskaya LCA. Collecting resources for subsequent processing - the matter is wonderful, but who would have thought that Belarusian public utilities will arrange a whole celebration from the garbage hangar. The most interesting thing is that this canopy from metal profile in the Vilesk district is built with the involvement of the Grates of the European Union. But the officials cut the ribbon, they assigned bread-salt from the towel and listened to the performance of children's creative teams. Photo published a "Ragiyanal newspaper".

Flagpole for half a million dollars

Yes, we had to take money from the Europeans for the construction of a garbage tree hangar. But much better in Belarus are doing with the financing of giant flagpoles. In Gomel, $ 500,000 was spent on the impressive pole for the State Flag. Many did not believe in the reality of what was happening, but in 2020, all doubts were dissolved.

Having learned that the authorities were allocated half a million dollars on a 60-meter pillar in the city center, Flagplock's opponents created a petition and, having gathered 4581 signatures, expressed doubts about the expediency of such a waste of money. But officials were firm in their decision and did not allow ungrateful Belarusians to ruin the holiday. In honor of the new flagpole, a real parade was arranged - with a military orchestra, state flags, folk dances and many others. All do not list.

New rod?

In September 2019, a very strange discovery of the Hall of Hall Athletics was held in Klichev Central Secondary School. The strangeness was that both the school, and the hall itself were completely not new and not even especially renovated. The new sports equipment is not noticeable at the solemn photos, except for one rod with multi-colored pancakes.

Nevertheless, the whole delegation arrived at the opening: Chairman of the Belarusian Healhevolytic Union, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Office of the Belarusian Heath Lithuanian Union, Chairman of the School of Trade Unions "Spartak-2005" with his deputy, Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games for Academic Rowing, as well as Klichevsky district executive committee officials: Deputy Chairman and Head of Education, Sport and Tourism, together with his deputy.

The ribbon in front of the rod cut four at once. Then athletes and officials gave flowers and pleased the speech of children's creative teams.

Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer is a useful thing. Especially not manual, but electrical. Moreover, not somewhere, but on the production base of the construction and assembly trust. But as a reason for the grand opening with balls, songs, officials and priests, a concrete mixer looks simply comical.

Nevertheless, in 2018, her solemn discovery took place in Smorgon. A red ribbon was cut, two garlands of balloons rose into the blue sky, workers of the district cultural center were sang and drank around the concrete mixer, the head of the district executive committee said a solemn speech, and the abbot of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord served prayer and sprinkled with the concrete mixer with holy water. The photo published the local newspaper "Svetlly Shlyakh".

Park without trees

In Minsk there is a very strange park without trees, which wears the name of Hugo Chávez. In 2014, officials folded the fabric from a memorable stone in a clean field and arranged solemn performances of creative teams, expecting, apparently, the trees in the park will grow by themselves. (In the forest, they are so growing.)

Minsk residents were surprised, raised their eyebrows, but they also decided to wait: suddenly the young grove will grow from rare twist plates placed in the marry earth. How wrong! Since the opening of the park has passed seven years, but the trees in it have not grown. That is, separate modest trees, if you wish, you can find, but for a huge area within the borders of the streets of Kamennogorskaya, Lida, Kolesnikov and Casimirovskaya, the proud name of the Park named after Hugo Chávez sounds just a mocking person. Especially if you consider the context: it happens in a stone slide, which is so catastrophically lacking greens.

In 2017, officials decided to get out and make a nice playground from a non-existent park. And later passed the wasteland for rent rides. Children of the stone slide became a little easier.

Now the Park of Hugo Chávez can be fastening the heart to call the amusement park, although the trees are still not noticeable in it. That's how it looks like a satellite image:


Sports sites, from the type of which you want to cry

Belarusian officials love to arrange a celebration from the opening of sports facilities. Even if it is a pair of football gates and horizontal bar.

For example, in 2020, in the village of Sumarokovo, on the occasion of the opening of the gate, the grid and the horizon, they staged a whole holiday with the performance of small football players and chirlilders. It was not without solemnly cut of a red ribbon. The plot was even shown on the television channel "Belarus 1".

Again in 2020, again in the Mogilev region, but in Slavgorod, officials solemnly opened the platform for mini-football, calling it for some reason multifunctional. Even on tiny pictures from the local newspaper "Leftogsk Krai", the quality of the coating and its laying is seen.

But the symbolic red ribbon was cut by three officials at once: Deputy Chairman of the Rain Executive Committee, Head of the Department of Education, Sports and Tourism and Deputy Director "Zhilkomgaz". For this, they were given thank letters.

Very modest sports grounds open with pump and in Minsk. So, in 2017, a horizontal bar, a ladder and a bars solemnly opened near the reservoir, a ladder and a bars, calling it a miracle with a specialized workpiece for sports enthusiasts. In a festival confined to the 950th anniversary of the capital, the Chairman and other officials of the administration of the Central District were attended, Minsk-News is written. Asphalt that opens with a gigantic key

In 2016, the opening of a plane parking near the Minsk Zoo was timed to the day of the city. Simply put - a voluminous piece of asphalt with a capacity of 269 cars. The object is definitely the right city, but there are doubts that it was worth opening with such honors. Only in the organization of the celebrations took part: the administration of the factory district, the Minsk Zoo, the Belarusian Club of Avtomotparism, the factory district department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Children's Road Safety Center, Children's Library, Palace of Children and Youth and Children's School of AvtoVost. In general, it was a truly large-scale event.

Let's not describe the whole holiday. It is enough that in the official part of it, the officials were handed over a giant symbolic key from a piece of asphalt on an open-air director.


In 2018, a starck was solemnly opened in the Olshansky district. But not just a stall, but the sales point of insurance policies.

- Such a gift made the company "Belneftestrakh" to his customers for the Day of the motorist, - the announcer was solemnly on the air of Pinsky television. - Gifts to each client, a win-win lottery - the opening of a new pavilion will be remembered for a long time.

Especially for a long time, this celebration will be remembered by the boy, which took the leading activities into circulation. When there is no time to explain what "Spanish shame" is, show this video.

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