Why do you need hotels for bees and how to make them?


Not all bees live in the team. There are insects that have every uterus gives breakdown. Such species cannot exist in the group and live in general ule. This fact was the reason for the construction of hotels for bees - these are separate houses of small sizes, where only one family lives in the master with the mother.

What are hotels for bees?

Hotels for bees are facilities that build to attract the insect. The main reason for the creation of hotels was the decline in the population of the bee. The principle of operation is:

  1. A person builds a housing that can attract pollinators.
  2. Bee, uses an object as a nest.
  3. Insect in the hotel laying eggs.
  4. When heat occurs, several more individuals appear to pollize the plant.
Why do you need hotels for bees and how to make them? 14187_1

The reproduction is not the only reason for which the bees are populated in hotels. The bees are carried out in the houses in winter, hide from precipitation. Get honey from such settlements will not work.

Types and design schemes

Bee hotels differ in their appearance and structure. Combines them in a few moments:
  • The material is a tree, bamboo or old brickwork laying;
  • All holes are made at a low angle so that the sediments cannot get into the "rooms";
  • The hole inside is smooth and smooth.

All over the world you can meet several types of hotels for insects:

  • Surrounded by succulents. It is performed from the login of a small size. There is a semicircle building material. Succulents are needed only to externally decorate the hotel.
  • In the form of rhombus. In construction, any biological material can be used. Often such hotels are sold in the finished form.
  • The hotel is designed for one bee variety. Although the size of the hotel is not large, with its functional design copes. You can build from wood or bamboo.
  • Multi-level. Any construction facilities can be used in the composition. In this case, pallets are involved. Of these, imitation of the chimney, which also serves as a house for bees.
  • In the terracotta pot. The most economical view of the hotel. In addition to the pot you need a bamboo cane and raffia.
  • From pieces of slagoblock and bricks. In addition, bamboo stalks are used. Due to them, additional insect holes are created.
  • In the form of cells. It is made of wood and small bushings with holes. The design is quite large. It can be covered by the summer heat of the rain of people and at the same time increase the population of bees.

Almost every hotel places flowers or other annual plants. It makes it easier for the bees to search for food.

How to use them?

Use the buildings only bees. Man remains only to look after the hotel and contain it in proper form. Those who have long been dealing with hotels for insects give some tips how to make a hotel suitable for comfortable use:

  • When buying or building a hotel, think about the size. He should not be too big. Design Every year you need to clean and replace the material inside the holes, and if a lot of bees live in the hotel, it will be problematic.
  • Protect the construction from adverse weather conditions. Ideally, the house should have a ledge by 7 cm.
  • In the process of construction, use only biological materials. A tree that is processed by special solutions will repel the bees and will negatively affect their offspring.
  • Install the hotel so that the sun's rays of the morning sun fell to the construction. Single bees love heat.
  • See that the nesting holes are always filled. Some bees produce offspring several times a year.
  • Do not throw out cocoons. They can come in handy for insulation of holes and attracting insects.

Where are the most popular places?

The construction of bee hotels is a popular destination. In many countries there are hotels. But not all use popularity. The most outstanding buildings for insects:
  • Place des Jardins in Paris. The construction was created specifically for red bees. The hotel is equipped with 300 insect rooms of this species.
  • K-Abeilles in America. The essence of this hotel is that it is made in the form of cells. Bees are in the construction along with people. Area of ​​20 square meters. The structure is hollow. Walls are a hotel for insects, and inside there are benches for holidaymakers.
  • On VDNH. Earlier in Moscow, hotels for bees were located only on the territory of zoos. Now, anyone who wants to watch the life of bees. The hotel was built for insect wintering.

How to make your own hands?

Before entering the construction of the hotel for bees, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with some features:

  • Building needs the roof and wall that can protect the hotel from bad weather;
  • Construction frames Do not use synthetic materials;
  • The foliage cannot be used as filler, there are well developing pathogenic mushrooms able to infect bees;
  • The contents of the hotel must be firmly fixed, you can use a large grid.

Building a hotel for bees consists of several stages:

  • Make a frame:
  • Take around with rooms (holes where the bees will live):
  • Install the hotel. Attach the hotel to the fence, wood or other reliably standing design. Building should be on the south side.

With the actions algorithm can be clearly available from the video:

Features of the settlement of bees

The first who settled in hotels is the individuals of a female. They build hotel cameras in each hotel room. Use bees dirt, bunting plants, etc.

After the uterus created comfort, she begins to lay eggs. When the tube is completely filled, it closes the hole.

Tutted bees overlook only in spring.

The insect may leave the place of its deployment if:

  • The hotel is cold, so it is necessary to install so that most of the time for the construction fell into sunlight;
  • Inside the hotel elevated humidity;
  • There are no places in the district where the bees could get their food.

So that the insect could easily move to the hotel, the construction must be located at an altitude of at least 1 meter, and the entrance is not blocked by vegetation. Would you build a hotel for your bees? Yes, a good idea is 100% no, I do not see the point of 0%. Show results Voted: 1

Hotels for bees are gaining popularity. Constructions help to increase the population of insects and thereby increase the efficiency of pollination of plants. There are several types of hotels. To build around the site, you can choose any, but the main thing to adhere to the councils from the specialists.

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