The construction of a waste recycling complex begins next to Zelenograd. Promise to recycle up to 75 percent of the incoming garbage. The rest burned or burn


The waste recycling complex next to Povarovo, ten kilometers from Zelenograd, will begin to build on January 20th. It is planned to be launched at the end of 2021. At the enterprise it is planned to open 526 jobs. They promise that after processing from the received garbage, there will be only a quarter, but it raises questions.

The construction of a waste recycling complex begins next to Zelenograd. Promise to recycle up to 75 percent of the incoming garbage. The rest burned or burn 14183_1

How many garbage recycle

The design capacity of the plant near the cooking - 500 thousand tons of waste per year, of which up to 75 percent, according to TASS, will be recycled:

- 21% - they will be sent for processing, including plastic, paper and cardboard, glass, metal and tin - 30% - on composting in technical ground - 25% - recycled to RDF fuel

Should I believe these numbers?

It is hard to say. The head of the company "Ecoline", which will lead construction, Evgeny Schibaev believes that it is good to process 75% of waste, because "ahead of the targets of the National Project Ecology". At the same time, on a similar KPO, which built "Ecoline" such a depth of processing is only going to achieve after the second stage of the RDF fuel production complex. Prior to 50% of garbage processed there. Whether the complex will also give up in gradually or immediately, unknown.

It should also be noted that they call the maximum share of the processed garbage, but the minimum is unknown.

But this is not all about the numbers. Two years ago, the head of the company "RT-Invest" Andrei Schiepelov, which, in particular, builds the incinerate plants, said that there is not a single city, where more than 60% of the garbage would be recycled. Such a scatter in applications leaves questions about the accuracy of public promises about the depth of processing and, therefore, the volume and composition of the garbage, which will be styled or buried.

Read also complexes for sorting, instillation and burning garbage near Zelenograd. What is superfluous in this scheme?

Who builds KPO

Construction will be LLC Ecoline. This company reports to TASS, previously built a similar complex for waste recycling in Yegoryevsk. "Ecoline" is a major capital operator for garbage disposal. It is also related to the company "Environmental Management", "League-Trans" and "League Energo".

Liga-Energo is the management company KPO Neva LLC, and Environmental Management is the founder of this company. It was the "KPO Neva" transferred to the rent of land for the future complex next to Povarovo, the Government of the Moscow Region concluded an agreement on the implementation of this large-scale investment project. The land of this company was submitted without trading (the law allows it to do in some cases), however, why build LLC Ecoline, it is not entirely clear: perhaps it acts as a subcontractor.

Read also Building a waste-inflating plant in Hmetyevo will be the Turkish corporation "Yenigun"

Why activists against this complex

Local residents have repeatedly protested against the construction of a waste processing complex in Povarovo. For example, in October 2019, activists tried to overlap Pyatnitsky highway in the area of ​​Lytkino village in protest. To do this, they went to the transition there and back, calculating that the cars forced by the rules pass pedestrians will not be able to drive. But the police knew about the stock - the transition was on duty. They missed cars, periodically allowing pedestrians. In June 2019, the children wrote an appeal to Putin on the same occasion.

Read also the activist for the month has lived in a tent at the entrance to the future waste recycling complex

In October 2020, the Judge of the Zelenograd court Alevtina Romanovskaya refused to activists who tried to challenge the positive conclusion of the state environmental impact examination issued at the Ministry of Natural Management of the Moscow Region for KPO near Povarovo. In their opinion, experts did not take into account a number of important points.

Here are the violations of activists:

- mistakes due to copying from another document - unsuitable soils - unrecorded water objects - the opacity of the solutions Read also the court refused to cancel the results of the state examination on the waste processing complex

Despite the protests on September 23 of last year, the Ministry of Commissions of the Moscow Region issued the administration of the Solnechnogorsk region permission to build a complex.

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