Cyber ​​security center of the Russian Federation is afraid of Kiberatach by the United States

Cyber ​​security center of the Russian Federation is afraid of Kiberatach by the United States 14180_1

The National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents of the Russian Federation made a prevention that the United States of America and their allies will be in the future to carry out computer attacks on the objects of Kie Russia.

In the official notice of the NKTSKI, the following is said: "The United States, together with its allies, constantly blames the Russian Federation in conducting various cybercrime attacks. In addition, constant threats are heard in the implementation of response attacks that are planned to be performed on the objects of the CIA RF. The NCCCs of Russia advises to produce the necessary works that will increase the level of security of state and critical information resources. "

Representatives of the NKTSKI recommend to convey all the necessary information about possible cyberatics from the United States to responsible staff of government agencies and enterprises that are objects of critical information infrastructure. It is assumed that the Americans can conduct phishing cyberatics using social engineering techniques.

Responsible specialists of the objects of KII, the center of cybersecurity of the Russian Federation advises to test the performance of network data protection and used antivirus solutions. Employees are recommended to abandon the exploitation of third-party DNS servers, as well as be sure to use multi-factor authentication to obtain remote access to corporate networks.

The Cybersecurity Center of the Russian Federation also recommends making backup copies of data, generate complex passwords for credentials, organize restriction of access to services in corporate networks using firewall software solutions, and not to use unverified software in their work.

Among the recommendations of the Cyber ​​Security Center of the Russian Federation, you can also find the following tips:

  • permanent safety update tracking for software used at the CIA object;
  • performing monitoring of safety systems with maximum vigilance;
  • full analysis of incoming and outgoing email with the help of antivirus software solutions;
  • update all user passwords (according to the current password policy in the enterprise);
  • Checking the correctness of the deletion rights of access rights on the network for devices on the network.

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