New decisions in the field of information security over the past week (March 1-7)

New decisions in the field of information security over the past week (March 1-7) 14175_1

We offer to familiarize yourself with a small overview of new cybersecurity solutions for the past week. The focus of the company: TUFIN, CROWDSTRIKE, AWAKE Security, Attivo Networks, Unbound Security, Samsung Electronics, Mastercard, Samsung Card.

Tufin has released an application for automating vulnerabilities based (VCA). The submitted solution allows you to expand the possibilities of TUFIN on vulnerabilities through their automatic check before approving changes to network access.

Crowdstrike has announced the modernization of the Crowdstrike Falcon platform. The changes make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the SOC (security management center), due to which IB specialists can focus on important priorities and strengthen the proactive position of their companies in relation to cybergroms.

Awake Security announced the release of a major update for the AWAKE NDR platform, due to which its ability to detect complex threats has improved, protect the uncontrolled surface of the attack and autonomously search for threats and criminalistic investigations.

Attivo Networks announced an expansion of a set of solutions for Active Directory due to a new innovative way to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in AD, leading to violations. Active Directory - a directory service that is used by enterprises to authenticate employees, managing identification and access control.

Unbound Security has introduced the UnBound Security Core platform, allowing companies to manage all cryptographic keys from several environments in one place. The development of the platform was carried out from scratch, which makes it possible to guarantee enterprises a high level of security for all critical business information, identification management and financial transactions.

Samsung Electronics, MasterCard and Samsung Card announced the development of a biometric card with a built-in fingerprint scanner to perform secure transaction authorization in payment terminals in stores.

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