Spy Games: 6 interesting ciphers for children

Spy Games: 6 interesting ciphers for children 14172_1

Entertainment for Little Secret Agents

Encryption is a great way to diversify your games with children. Going away with the whole family, try different ciphers and breathe encrypted phrases together!

Such games are developing logic and attentiveness, and they are also very exciting and fun. When a child is well winning any cipher, you can leave with his help to each other notes and messages that will not understand foreign people. Assemble several simple, but interesting encryption methods.

Book cipher

Each word is encrypted with the help of three numbers. The first indicates the page number in the book, the second number of the line, and the third to a specific word in this line. Do not forget to point out on a piece of message, with which book it is encrypted.

This cipher is especially convenient for home games, because you and the child you will use the same copy of the book. And in different publications, the layout of the text on the pages may differ, so it will not work out the cipher with another book.


It is also called the Masonic cipher and cipher cross-noliki. In it, each letter corresponds to some symbol. To more convenient to relate letters and symbols, draw the grids and have letters in them. To encrypt the English alphabet of four grids, it will take five for Russian.

First draw the table and enter into each square letters from A to Z. Then draw the same table, only in each square in different parts, place points. Enter the letters from and to R. in the third table instead of points in the dates. It will include letters from from to Sh. Draw two grids in the form of the letter x, in the second, too, lay down points. Fill them with the remaining letters.


Another name is the cipher of the ancient Sparta. For this encryption, you will need a long strip of paper and some cylinder (suitable rolling or sleeve from paper towels).

Mix the paper on the cylinder and write in the line the first word of the message. Then turn the cylinder and write the second word below. And so on, how much the place is enough on paper.

When you remove it from the cylinder and unwind, you will see only a random set of letters on paper. To decipher it, it will be necessary to wind the message on the cylinder of a suitable size.

Cipher Caesar

This is a shift cipher. In it, each letter is replaced with another letter, depending on how you decide to move the alphabet when encrypted. It is more convenient to encrypt and solve messages with such a wheel.

Write all the letters of the alphabet on two paper circles of different sizes. Put a smaller circle to a larger and secure in the center of the stationery button. You can rotate the circles and select different options for replacing letters.

Cipher Atbash

In this embodiment, the alphabet is used as a thief. That is, instead, I need to write, instead of a letter Yu and so on. The cipher is very simple, but helps the child better remember the alphabet.

Polybius Square

Draw a square table, enter all the letters of the alphabet in the cell. Over the table, write numbers from one to six, and the left letters from A to E. So every letter in the table can be encrypted with the digit and the letter, on the intersection of which it is located in the table.

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Spy Games: 6 interesting ciphers for children 14172_2

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