How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion


Podium instead of a cabinet, a game with textures and zoning with light and textiles - we select interesting techniques for decoring a small bedroom.

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Make the ceiling in the color of the walls

For a small bedroom there are the same rules that for any small space: light colors make it comfortable and spacious. At the same time, warm shades are more appropriate in a room that lacks sunlight, and the cold can be applied if the room is always well lit.

Also do not forget that the ceiling is better to paint in the same color as the walls. This will make the transition more smooth and visually the ceiling will seem higher.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_3

Play not with flowers, but textures

The most popular way to diversify the interior is to use a bright and interesting color gamut. But when you start planning a small bedroom, it does not always want to apply this technique, because the room should contribute to relaxation and configure on vacation.

Therefore, try to focus on another designer technique - a combination of different textures. Even a room made in the color scheme from one or two shades will look interesting and thoughtful if there are many interesting surfaces in it. It can be a long-pile carpet, a plaid of a large mating on the bed, textured wallpaper or paint on the walls.

For registration of a small bedroom should not use bright, contrasting color combinations. In a small room, they can create an unnecessary grace. It is better to take calm muted shades. And in order not to be bored, use the combination of various textures and prints.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_5

Replace the cabinet podium

In a small bedroom, it is very difficult to develop a storage system without sacrificing the feeling of air and light space. When only the bed, a wardrobe and dresser fit in the same room, the feeling of overloaded and template interior is obtained. Try using a non-standard approach and instead of bed to put high, from the half-meter in height, podium. It will be a great replacement of the Domy, and you will just be able to enter a very small closet to the room, where there will be only clothes on the shoulder.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_9

Remove the bedside tables and replace them with a shelf

Fully abandoning the use of cabinets in a small bedroom is definitely not worth it. But you will have to closely approach the choice of furniture, its capacity and quality of internal filling.

For example, a classic reception is to place a bed in the center of the wall, and on the sides put small bedside tables, it is squandered by a valuable space and does not increase the volume of storage systems. Instead of bedside tables, you can hang over the headboard the shelf and add the necessary little things on it.

The wardrobe will save space, just choose high-quality fittings. If the wardrobe is not enough space, instead of bedside tables on both sides of the bed, you can install narrow cabinets.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_11
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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_13

Make a desktop from the windowsill

In a small apartment, it is very difficult to allocate for yourself the workplace. We are not talking about a separate office, in the kitchen distracts the refrigerator, and the living room is a sofa and a TV. At the same time, the full-fledged desktop will not always fit, and the sockets in the free zone may not be.

You can try a little to extend the windowsill and hide the high bar stool under it. If the workplace ceases to be necessary, the windowsill will turn into a dressing table or a peculiar regiment for books and different little things.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_16

Place the mirrors everywhere where it is appropriate

Designers often apply mirrors not so much from a practical point of view, but also to change the visual perception of the room.

To do this, you will have to use quite large mirrors and, if possible, avoid massive heavy frames. Excellent places to accommodate mirrors: on the side of the bed or opposite it, above the headboard, along the free wall. If the room is a wardrobe, think about making his doors with mirrored.

If you do not like reflections in the bedroom, you can install a 40-50 cm wide mirror strip on the wall under the ceiling. Such a reception will help visually lift the ceiling, expand the space and fill it with air.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_20

Think up 2-3 light scripts

Do not limit one chandelier in the center of the ceiling, even if the room is completely tiny. It is better to make several point lights or a ceiling rod with sofits with the ability to illuminate the desired zone. Also, do not forget to hook a small lamp behind the headboard or hang on the wall of the sconce.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_22

Zonail with color and textiles

If you need to enter into a small bedroom not only sleep zone, but also provide a place to work or book corner, do not use bulky zoning like shirm or racks. Try to highlight zones using different colors or textiles, such as carpet under the bed. A transparent glass partition is suitable in a small studio, which can be supplemented with curtains if you need to create a privacy effect.

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How to arrange a very small bedroom: 8 tips and designer's opinion 14166_24

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