Three steps to create wealth (technology proven by years)

Three steps to create wealth (technology proven by years) 14152_1

Having live about half of life, many citizens with displeasure discover that nothing has come, and their financial well-being is far from the ideal. I do not recommend worrying about this, because there is always a way to fix everything. And I will show one of these ways now.

Treated technology for creating wealth

1. Convince the soul mate that she / he should not be engaged in finance

I, as a man, took control of finances in his hands and fully lead the process. My spouse, I forbade you to take money in my hands and in some way to think about them. This step at one time was not easy for me. It would still be a little and the case could easily reach the break of relationships, but still the wife eventually retreated what I remained extraditedly glad.

From the moment of receiving legitimate power over the family budget, I began to build a concept of order in personal finances and save. As a result, I managed to quickly increase capital and it became better from this, and my family. Understand my thought correctly: in the family there can be only one financial manager, which will lead everyone to wealth, but it lies great responsibility for the fate of his loved ones.

2. Start planning the budget

It has long been noticed that those people who plan a budget are in the end turn out to be richer and happy. Do not invent the bike and do the same. Make a compilation of revenue and expenses of your monthly habit. Just do not think that if in some part you are a little mistake, the budget will not be corrected.

I myself laugh at certain expenses at the beginning of each month, but then I discover that they may not be enough. In this case, I simply correct the budget and increase the consuming part. Of course, I think at the same time how to increase and profitable, because the balance in finance is above all.

3. Invest 10-15% of your income weekly

Suppose you work at the enterprise and get 40 thousand rubles every month. It is your salary and other sources of income. In this case, open the brokerage account, bring 6000 rubles to it and take the rule every week to buy stock tools for 1500 rubles.

A year later, it turns out that you have acquired assets by 78,000 rubles. Do not forget that the assets will change in price, but because of the systematic activities of the actions you will acquire them at average annual value. Since assets are likely to grow this year, then your capital will increase with these growth.

After about 3-4 years after the start of the investment, the rule of complex percentage will turn on. This means that money will make money. Continue to invest 15% of your income and you will create a powerful financial stream that will allow you to assemble the impressive means to your account.

Over time, you will feel that you can live on interest on investments, and your sole financial management associated with budget planning creates stability and give warranty that it will always be.

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