Bullet fool, and a bayonet well done, or a cruel bayonet fight under mills

Bullet fool, and a bayonet well done, or a cruel bayonet fight under mills 14138_1

On June 25, 1941, the redarmeys surrounded from the environment in a hand-to-hand fight destroyed the personnel of two German batteries.

In the first days of the war of the 4th army of the Western Front, the main blow of German connections of the Army Center group has emerged. However, the 75th division of General S.I. Luggina, which was part of the 28th building of this army, applied sensitive strikes on enemy communications, continuously counterattacked. Their high activity made the German command assume that there is a large grouping of Soviet troops.

Despite the individual successes of the 75th rifle division, the overall position of the 4th Army, especially on the right flank, turned out to be critical.

According to the certificate of the Commissioner of the Division, Colonel I.S. Tkachenko, on the night of June 26-2 June 27, the division was completely surrounded. On June 28, the 75th Infantry Division, having consumed the ammunition, on the initiative of S. I. Limin, began a departure to Pinsk.

And three days before, June 24, one of the battalions turned out to be cut off from the rest of the division in the area of ​​the town of Malorita of the Brest region. Ammunition were on the outcome. Realizing that the help of waiting for now, the Red Army team decided to break through in the southern direction.

However, all the pathways were intercepted by the Germans, and two German artillery batteries belonging to the 267 of the Wehrmacht's infantry division were stood on the dominant height, which kept the entire district under the sight.

Focusing in the forest in the village of Cherry, that between the Malorita and Melniki, the fighters decided to wait for the darkness and, secretly praising to the hill, challenge the German artilleryrs to the bayonets. The elderly conductor from among the locals successfully spent fighters through the swamp to the heights busy.

"On the evening of June 25, 1941, the enemy broke through the defense, heading in Mielniki and on the way he met two artillery batteries belonging to the 267 infantry division of the Wehrmacht. The personnel of the batteries was almost completely exterminated. Moreover, on some bodies, then counted to 17 bayonet wounds. Mielniki village was surrounded and such a position was preserved for 36 hours ... "(from the reports of the German command)

Scouts silently removed the clocks, and the battalion unexpectedly hit the battery with the rear. In a matter of seconds, not a single German left left at the altitude, but some of them managed to open shooting. The command who was near the 465th German infantry regiment, having heard shooting, tried to contact artilleryrs by walking, but not having received a response, she planted soldiers on trucks and sent them to the face of artilleryrs. The arrivals found only the corpses of canoners and guns with removed castles. The personnel of the batteries was almost completely exterminated. Moreover, on some bodies, then counted to 17 bayonet wounds.

Then the Germans rushed into pursuit. Ours by that time managed to go deep into the forest. Having gathered all the cartridges and handing them out by several best shooters, the fighters began to move away, leaving sniper as an asshole. Hardly the Germans deepened into the forest, as among them the losses began. 75 people were killed, 20 more disappeared.

Remembed by the Deputy Political Arms of the 2nd Rifle Battalion of the 34th Rifle Regiment Nikolai Sergeevich Marychev:

"... The 2nd battalion, under the command of Major Iogla Yuri Markovich, being torn off from other units, moved independently for German reasons. At dawn on June 26, 1941, the battalion fighters found near the village of Khotaislav Nazis, located on vacation near the cemetery. The blow to the enemy was unexpected. In a short, reaching a hand-to-hand fight, up to 300 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. In this battle, being repeatedly wounded, the commander of the Battalona Jogli continued to lead the battle until he left his strength. In this battle, the death of Hero, in the truth of the death of the heroes fell Kombat Major Iogly Yuri Markovich "

Bullet fool, and a bayonet well done, or a cruel bayonet fight under mills 14138_2
June 26, 1941. German cemetery at the village of Melnik.

Closer to noon, the remaining fighters in groups and a single way left in the direction of the Ukrainian tour and zabol. Local residents buried the dead. Soon, the fascists, and not giving our infantrymen, returned to the village of Melniki and brutally avenged for the attack. Nothing better found from the powerless malice, 25 local residents were shot, and 15 sent to the concentration camp in the Biala Podlaska.

In memory of those events on the site of the fighting the mound of the Kurgan of Fame. On the memorable board, the text was burned out: "On June 25, 1941, the soldiers of the 75th rifle division destroyed about three hundred of the Nazis."

Bullet fool, and a bayonet well done, or a cruel bayonet fight under mills 14138_3
Kurgan of Glory to the soldiers of the 75th rifle division from D. Chotislav.

"... all this will fall on the shoulders of the Russian people. For the Russian people are the Great People! Russian people are a good people! In the Russian people, among all the peoples, the greatest patience! The Russian people have a clear mind. He, as it were, born to help other nations! The Russian people are inherent in the great courage, especially in difficult times, in dangerous times. He is initiative. He has a persistent character. He is a dreamy people. He has a goal. Therefore, he is harder than other nations. You can rely on it in any trouble. Russian people are neopulating, inexhaustible! " I.V.Stalin.

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