Popular, but ugly actresses: Top-5


Hollywood is literally sisite with template beauties, because it is no secret that it is the appearance in the world of show business is a determining factor that directly affects the demand of the actress. However, it does not mean at all that only the happy owner of a cute pet can become a star of screens. An American film industry over the past decades has conquered many women who are not distinguished by special beauty. And here are the most famous of them.

Uma Thurman

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Despite the fact that Kentin's muse Tarantino achieved success not only in the cinema, but also on the podium, to deny the fact that in appearance actress there is something peculiar will not be, perhaps, no one. Big legs and a little unusual face form are completely unlocked with modern standards of beauty, cultivated Hollywood, but this does not interfere with the Mother of Turman to decades to remain a star of the first magnitude.

We recently told about the actors who failed the main casting of their lives.

Sarah Jessica Parker

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Perhaps the fans of "sex in the big city" will not agree with us, however, in our opinion, call the actress, who performed the role of Carrie Bredshow, is quite difficult for beauty. What is interesting, disputes about the appearance of Sarah Jessica Parker do not subside exactly from the moment she first appeared on the screen. Some consider the appearance of the celebrity extremely mediocre, others noted that in the appearance of the star there is something that is capable of hooking any. Be that as it may, the talent of the actress does not take away, and each should be their opinion about her beauty independently.

Helena Bonham Carter

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Helena Bonam Carter, no matter how cool, the appearance is extremely specific, but this actress has been successfully used by this feature, constantly appearing on the screens in extremely eccentric roles. What is the Red Queen of "Alice in Wonderland" and Bellatris Lestrange from Harry Potter performed by the star. It seems that the actress was literally born in order to play any kind of freaks, but we only love to play Carter for it even more.

Also read our article about the sons of celebrities, which are completely different in their star fathers.

Kira Sedzhvik

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Having started a career as an actress of soap operas, Kira Sedgevik very quickly pulled the stage skill and got into a big movie. The biggest success of the star is the role in the series "Iznikka", for which she received a huge number of awards. But is it possible to call the actress by Hollywood beauty? More likely no than yes.

Tilda Suinton

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There is no controversy, Tilda Suinton is really very talented and in demand performer of the most diverse roles. The number of works in the filmography of British has long exceeded the fifty, and the fees are calculated by millions of dollars. But here is the appearance of the actress, then many questions arise. Tilde is infinitely far from modern standards of beauty and rather resembles a charismatic and in its own way of an excellent aliens from another world.

Among the articles on our site there is also an interesting material about star daughters, which are very similar to their moms.

What do you think should the successful actress be beautiful by definition?

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