Irkutskstat: In Priangarya in 2020, the turnover of retail and by 16% decreased by 2% - in the service sector


Irkutsk Region, 16.02.21 (IA Teleinform), - Irkutskstat summed up the results of 2020 in Priangary. Analysts noted that last year the collapse in the spheres of retail trade, catering and services was recorded. Thus, the turnover of goods decreased by 2%, and the services were 16% less than in 2019. The figures were voiced at a press conference on February 16.

"Most of all Coronavirus hit the small business." In 2019, we had an increase in the retail sectors, catering and spheres service, and in 2020, especially in the initial period of the pandemic, the collapse happened. Then the fall slowed down, but we failed to catch up to the end of the year, - the head of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Irkutsk Region Irina Ivanova was noted.

However, the situation in the Irkutsk region has developed a little better than the average in Russia. Retail trade in the country "Sucked" by 4%, and the sphere of paid services - by 17% compared with the same volume.

- In the sphere of trade, the decline is due to a reduction in the non-food sector. Food people never ceased to buy even in a pandemic, delivery was organized. But non-food goods began to buy less. In the field of service, the decline we saw in all types of services, but especially in the field of culture, hotel, sanatorium and wellness, resort business, as well as tourism, physical education and sports, which is expected. Strongly, of course, the catering points were injured. The overall decline is 27% of 2019, - Irina Ivanova added.

But the growth showed the agricultural sector of the economy. If in previous years in Priangarya there was some decline in livestock production, then in 2020 it increased by 1-2%. In comparison with 2019, the growth turned out to be tangible.

Also last year turned out to be favorable for family. The crop of many crops due to favorable weather conditions was maximum over the past few years.

- The record crop is fixed on crops of grain and grain-bean: wheat, barley and peas. Also growing a lot of passenger cultures: soy and rape. Good harvest of vegetables. From the fodder crops, there were corn, which goes to food, as well as annual herbs, from which the hay harvested, "Irina Ivanova resums.

Irkutskstat: In Priangarya in 2020, the turnover of retail and by 16% decreased by 2% - in the service sector 14064_1

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