Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details

Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details 14060_1
Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details 14060_2
Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details 14060_3
Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details 14060_4
Which houses can be bought for 1 basic? Officials told the details 14060_5

Yesterday, Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree "On the alienation of residential buildings in rural areas and improving work with empty houses." Now the process of selling old housing, built until May 8, 2003 (this is important!), It will be easier. For more information about changes in the legislation, a representative of the State Committee on Property of Belarus was told.

From now on, sell the old hut of the great-grandfather, lost somewhere in the wilderness, you can not have a tricky document. There is enough discharge from the hostess of the rural council that such an object in it is listed, or decisions on the provision of land in accordance with the procedure established by law. The sale agreement is in the local executive committee, and voila - the house is sold. From now on, it is already owned by the new owner.

- During the year, he must register this house in the prescribed manner and provided land plot for its service. At the same time, all this period of the new owner has the right to hold on the plot of work on the reconstruction - this will not be considered by unauthorized construction, - explained by the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Property Nikolay Beaver.

Now about the purchase and sale of empty homes (suddenly someone has long dreamed). Now they are in Belarus whole 7,000, most of all - in the Gomel region (probably it is somehow connected with the Chernobyl catastrophe). Local executives will be engaged in the discovery of "abundance". They will also look for their possible hosts to learn about the plans for the building: whether they will continue to use it (if so, then during certain time it is necessary to bring it and plot into a decent state) or will be ready to refuse it? In the second case, he becomes the property of the administrative and territorial unit - the Executive Committee.

Further from the Executive Committee has several options for developing events. The first - local officials can immediately put the plots with "borrowings" for sale for only 1 basic - now it is 29 rubles. Most likely, this price will be relevant for the territories where there are no special demand for empty buildings, trouble with infrastructure.

The second option is to sell at market value at the auction. But here there is something nice.

If the site is not sold from the first time, its price will be gradually decline. First, by 50%, then 80% - and so up to 1 basic.

The buyer of such a house can provide installments for up to 3 years without indexing payments.

- both the Executive Committee and the citizen gives the right to demolish the house with a height of up to 2 floors without the development of project documentation, "said Nikolay Beaver.

You ask: how to learn about the existence of such a nobody of the necessary buildings? Do not go around the country along and across in search of the same! Yes, there are lists of empty houses, but where to see them?

- Information is on the site of each district executive committee. A centralized base, in which, through the Internet, anyone can go through and at home at once throughout the republic, no. From January 1, 2023, it is planned to launch a single register of empty houses. Access to it will be provided to all those who wish to free. There will be accumulated information from the same executive committees as such objects have been received. So to speak, in real time. It will be as visualized as possible: the location, condition, its characteristics, is shown, or not.

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