Rospotrebnadzor's victory: Krasnokamsk is provided with clean drinking water

Rospotrebnadzor's victory: Krasnokamsk is provided with clean drinking water 13957_1

More than 52.5 thousand inhabitants of Krasnokamsk are finally provided with clean drinking water, which now comes into their homes with Chusovsky water intake.

Within the framework of the federal project, clean water specialists of Rospotrebnadzor, together with the Perm Territory, managed to solve the long-term problem with the supply of Krasnokamsk with high-quality water.

Old water intake structures of Krasnokamsk were located on industrials, which did not comply with sanitary standards (CH). In addition, the quality of water taken from the Kama river and received from the water intake of the pulp and paper plant (CCBC), tightly influenced the storm and production stocks.

In the city there were regular outbreaks of diseases with sharp intestinal infections. To reduce cases of infection in Krasnokamsk, a waterwater from the Kirov district of Perm was laid, but the capacity of the Kirov filter station did not allow the supply of drinking water in the desired amount as a result, it was served in the house only in the morning and in the evening.

Since 1999, the entire volume of water in Krasnokamsk again received from the water intake of the CCBC, and the water still did not respond to CH, and the situation was aggravated by frequent accidents.

It should be noted that in the city for a long time there was a mode of hyperchlorination of the closed water, which led to an increased content of chlororganic compounds in it. According to studies conducted by FBUN The Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies of Population Risk Management Technologies has existed an increased degree of risk of Krasnokamy's health due to the use of poor-quality drinking water.

For 11 years, Rospotrebnadzor argued the need to bring water intake structures in Krasnokamsk in courts to the courts and recognize the fundamental actions of water supply organizations. The court supported management requirements.

The authorities of the Perm Territory also agreed with the arguments of Rospotrebnadzor, two years ago, developed a roadmap to ensure the city of high-quality water and the transition to the supply from the System of Chusovsky treatment facilities.

Currently, the water fence from the kama for filing to the water supply system of Krasnokamsk is discontinued. At the end of 2020, the delivery of water to the city in the city of inter-municipal water dialing Perm-Krasnokamsk from the Chusovoy River. Rospotrebnadzor conducted socio-hygienic monitoring and confirmed the correspondence of drinking water to all hygienic standards.

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