19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without


When people help are not able, our four-legged friends come into business. The power of his empathy and endless love they are able to cure any spiritual wounds and even protect when they felt the danger impending on their owners.

We in the adme.ru were tarnished by stories about phenomenal pets, which helped people overcome hard times, and rush to share them with you. And in the bonus you will find a story from our author and photography of his pet.

  • The dog saved my life. I saved not from the external danger, as often happens, but from myself. A senior brother left a couple of years ago. I started a black band in life, and I fell into depression. I would not come out of this state if it were not for Ivah - Huski of my late brother. At night, when I suffered from the next nightmares, she came to me and went around. Hugging her, I calmed down and fastened hard. When I was at home, she always tried to be with me, shoved my hand, brought the ball, ran around - it feels like he felt that you need to distract me from hard thoughts. And I was distracted. Caring for this dog replaced me that I was then lost. Now I am happy again, I live in full life. Quince is still with me, and this is the most native creature for me all over the world. And still continues to take me. © Chamber № 6 / VK
  • My adult daughter with autism is quick-tempered and noisy. But our helpers dogs with her are trained to bounce to her and distracting so that it does not harm them in such situations. For pets, the daughter is absolutely harmless and always calms down, it is only for her to feel their soft wool. © KC Lee / Quora
  • I started a therapeutic dog after my psychosis was diagnosed. One of her presence lifts me up and makes me continue to fight for health with the realization that this precious baby needs a good parent. © SuperNove_Blaze / Reddit

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_1
© SuperNove_Blaze / Reddit

  • To cope with psychosis and depression, my son started a puppy that provides emotional support. The dog needs the care of his owner, the life of which is even greater importance, and a person feels loved. © Throwrateach / Reddit
  • I have never been happy by default, and my Labradudl was literally everyone for me. But his recent care from life was the hardest tragedy for me. I scored on everything and did not know how to pull myself from this state. However, I started another dog, and now I'm on the seventh heaven from happiness and can only think about her. She sometimes loves to attack, but she is still just a puppy. In addition to the dog, I, of course, helps the therapy. © HitByastick / Reddit
  • This is what a cute dog-therapist helped me while working in the office of one professor. © Raging_Gamer14 / Reddit

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_2
© Raging_Gamer14 / Reddit

  • Caring for my pets is the only thing that I could do when heavier times came. I swore myself that, no matter how bad I was, I would not let the animal suffer because of this. Thanks to his pets, I have been working for several days and start seeing the light again. And I really think that all this is the merit of my four-legged friends. © CatatonicBeanz / Reddit
  • My dog ​​Theodore was the reason for me to live on. When we walk with him, not only he gets benefit from it, but I begin to feel better. When I support cleanliness and comfort in the house for Theodore, it turns out that I do it for himself. He feels my emotions, if I fall into depression, and can quickly find a way to encourage me. Theodore is my faithful friend who passes all life tests with me. No person can compare with him in friendship, devotion and love that I need so much. © Catherine Craddock / Quora
  • I was afraid of dogs all my life, but still decided to make a dog. This is the moon, she helps me overcome my phobia and is now going through workouts to become a dog therapist. © GOLDENLUNANZ / REDDIT

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_3

  • From morning there is a call: "You need a dog!" - says girlfriend at the other end of the wire. "I don't need a dog, I just need to sleep," I snapped and threw the phone. Later he called back because of the feeling of shame and found out that the client of my girlfriend bought a dog on Avito, which was called a purebred orange spice in the announcement. Cheating did not come immediately. Pell Mikhail Rose, Communication and did not fit into the world of perfect dwarf spits. But fited into my world. It was my dog. At that time I experienced a heavy divorce and problems at work. The dog really helped me to cope with all this, and now I thank my girlfriend every time for that call. © Tata1986 / Pikabu
  • My father was very sick and lay in the hospital, and there was no hope for recovery. But once he was visiting a dog therapist, and everything changed dramatically. Dad is alive and well to this day. © DROCKHOUND / REDDIT
  • About 6 years ago, my dad had a stroke, then followed a long period of rehabilitation: only half a year it was necessary to returned to him. In one of numerous sleepless nights, he told me about his dream: he really wanted to buy a house with a plot and that German Shepherd ran apologies. We did not buy the plot, but the dog was brought. Rehabilitation immediately went with seven-world steps. As the shepherd is growing, the Pope "swept skills" movement ... And so we began to walk the whole family: brother, mom, dad, me, and a dog, charging the father's energy. Our dog Arnold trained all this time and became a dog therapist. Now he visits hospices and children's homes and gets great pleasure from communicating with people. © Utopiya86 / Pikabu

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_4
© Utopiya86 / Pikabu

  • In 14-16 years, I was placed several times in a psychiatric hospital due to depression in severe form and anxiety. Nothing pleased me like hospital dogs. They could sit with us or lie on our knees. Real heroes. © Bringlio / Reddit
  • My affectionate cat once pounced on a friend. I had to close the pet in the bathroom, although I wondered, because this happened for the first time in 15 years of her life. Cat began to treat familiar wary. And right. After all, after that, she tried to embroil us with the best friend, to beat off the guy, and also spoke to the back of the nastiness and in general turned out to be a very bad person. © DRDONNA / ADME
  • The therapists' dogs are perfectly helped to cope with stress. Such pets arrived at the hostel during the session - such anchlags, probably not a single exam seen. But you are saving such a sweet peel - and I want to immediately live. © PrettymonKey / Pikabu

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_5
© PrettymonKey / Pikabu

  • Mom took a dog to the house when I was in severe depression and all in our family constantly swore. But after the dog appeared in our life, all the problems themselves were resolved. It was just hard to shout on each other when this tiny puppy looks at you in all eyes. © Spiritualegg77 / Reddit
  • Our cat occasionally arranged jumps on each sleeping family member at night. Wakes all, and then calmly goes to sleep. At first, we were terribly angry until one regularity was traced: Tighydes always started exactly 15 minutes before the earthquake. We lived in the seismically active zone. © Alena / Adme
  • My dentist has a dog therapist, and it's awesome! © angry_penguin54 / Reddit

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_6
© angry_penguin54 / Reddit

Bonus from our author

  • I was diagnosed with depression at the end of last year, but I could not find support from close people. They are confident that all this from idleness and I just need to find than to take yourself. It sounds derogatory, because I study and work. Therefore, the feeling of loneliness and helplessness pressed me even stronger. But my cat suddenly began to look after me. Sofa always sleeps or just sits nearby, and if I get very bad, then she touches me with her fluffy paw and experiences this condition with me. It could not even think that I would find more empathy and support in this small plush lump than in people.

19 super-sensitive pets who have come to help their owners without 13946_7

What kind of pets do you have? Do they always rush to help you too?

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