Young constellation: 6 performances of young and promising directors

Young constellation: 6 performances of young and promising directors 13939_1
Young constellation: 6 performances of young and promising directories Dmitry Eskin

Theater is changing as quickly as the world as a whole. New names, directors, concepts and ideas appear. Who will form the theater landscape in the future, can be understood now. Time Out chose six performances of young directors, seeing which you can look into the future.

"Sacred Talisman"

Where: center them. Sun. Meyerhold

When: February 12, March 18

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In the performance of Mikhail Plutakhina (the founder of the theater of the subject and part-time actor of the workshop Dmitry Brusnikna) there are no artists. The history of military childhood is told of various kinds of items: coils of threads, toys, pieces of fabric, chess pieces, colored cubes, and, of course, the mascot itself is a white goat, the heroine of an old Jewish lullaby, a symbol of careless childhood, peace and paradise.

The performance is based on the poets and composer Labo Levin, who survived the war and camp. The performance is delivered in the style of "live animation". All vehicles and metamorphoses are fixed by cameras and immediately reproduce on the big screen. At the expense of close-ups, the invoice can not be considered, but to feel tactile. The action is accompanied by living music and the sound of the poem, read by the author's daughter - Israeli singer and actress Ruth Levin.


Where: Practice

When: February 7

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Such a different Chekhov: 5 and a half performances on the works of Anton Pavlovich

For his director's debut, Alexander Alyabyev gathered two actors of different theater schools, but equally talented - Alexander Gorkilly and Elizabeth Yankovskaya. He placed them in a darkest dark and empty space. Here, in the multiverse, heroes tell the history of love in all its versions with all possible branches. She is a physicist, he is a beekeeper. People seem to have nothing in common. But their worlds are doomed to intersect again and again, as if under the action of an insurmountable force of attraction.

In a chamber, quiet, ascetic performance, all attention is focused on actors, which have to work in the stylistics of the pointelism. They jump out of the future into the past, from one parallel universe to another, from a weakening grip of love in the first date. And they make it instantly and with imperturbable ease, as if they switch some acting levers within themselves.


Where: center them. Sun. Meyerhold

When: February 6, March 17

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Hall half full: 7 Theater Prime Minister

Another performance, where the main character is a physicist, put a graduate of Leonid Haifez Nikita Betechtin. The play wrote an unknown. Anton Loskutov - pseudonym and not opened by the author of the author. "Christmas" was read at the festival "Lyubimovka-2017" and even got into a short list. The play is the same mysterious as its author. The hero returns to his native home to give a certain debt, and on the road kills everyone who met him on the way. Whether in fact, or in his imagination.

The fact that the hero is not entirely in itself is understandable immediately. Painness and obsession directed by Nikita Btehtin and the artist Nadezhda Skomorokhov marked in scenography, and in the manner of actors' games. The tiny space of the Black Hall of Tsim is rapidly under the notebook in mathematics. The grille from the cells, broken movements of actors, broken monologues and torn mounting to the end are built into a slim plot line, where the connection of the strange present with the traumatic past becomes visible.


Where: MHT named Chekhov

When: 10, 25 February

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Search for happiness in the present: 9 best performances 2020, which should be seen

Lech is the son of an elderly man whose old age littered with feelings to the neighbor of love Ivanovna. But Lech will not see the audience. The story of the outbreak of youth in old age tells the granddaughter of the hero.

The play by the air play Yulia Pospelova put Danil Chashin, who brought not only the story and hero himself on stage, but his inner life.

While one-third of the scene is slowly, but the wretched beggar routine is spinning, the actor Oleg Gaas is rushing along the full strength, jumps in jumping and sneaks under vigorous music. Such a reception is triggered and makes the history of the life of one small and inconspicuous person with a leaning drama. And let the granddaughter tries to tell it impartially, emotional and dry, but we see, now everything is visible.

"7 days in Sovrisk"

Where: New Theater Space Nations

When: 10, 21 February

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Lovely plots: Art historians advise films and books

If you do not understand anything in contemporary art, I will not explain anything to you by Egor Matveeva. Inspired by the popular Book of Sarah Sarah Tornton "Seven Days in Art", the director shows the involvement of the Russian art world, having brutally ridicule. Kumshots, hoaxes - the strange rules of the game act reliability. The director of the gallery (Alice Khazanova) and the investor (Vladimir Bolshaya) twist intrigue around the so-called "cryptodynamic installation" and its authorship.

Following the book Tornton Matveyev embeds real names and names from the world: Director of Multimedia Art Museum Olga Sviblov, artist Pavel Peprestein, auction of contemporary art Vladey, Triennale of Russian Contemporary Art in the Museum "Garage", independent publication about fashion, beauty and modern culture The BluePrint, as well as the Kandinsky Prize.

"We are fine"

Where: Practice

When: 10, February 11

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For the absurdist play of Polish playwright Dorota Maslovskaya, Ivan Komarov, Viktor Ryzhakova, and the teacher of the School Studio MCAT himself. This is a story about three generations living in a small Warsaw apartment and have no opportunity, no desire to find a common language. The director is not that refused to transfer it to the Russian soil, and at all brought himself at the face of madness.

"Black Family Comedy" resembles a sketch show, where every episode on one side is self-sufficient, and on the other hand, it is associated with the general storyline. Brightly, fast, loud, boldly - so it would be briefly characterized by this performance. If you still think that it is good where we are not, then you should definitely see this production.

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